"So you know how I told you my parents are divorced and had been for some time now, right?"

Joe nodded wondering where she was going with this.

"So last night when my dad just walked in, I guess my mom had some drinks and she sounded a little drunk and my dad noticed and he offered to go over there and cook her something."

"Um… I'm not seeing what's the big deal here."

"I mean I thought that they hated each other and now he quickly offered to go over her house and he called her 'babe' too. I think something's going on between them."

"Something like what?"

Raina chewed on her bottom lip in thought. "I think they still love each other but they're just putting up a front when other people are around so no one would notice."

"So you think that they're fucking on the low?"

She shrugged. "Possibly. I mean I don't get to see them together all that often except when we all go on vacation so I don't know."

"And you're okay with this?"

"I don't know, I mean my dad is in a relationship. My mom's single but I know it won't be long before she gets a boyfriend."

"Well, why doesn't your dad break up with Jay and get back with your mom?"

"Because they got divorced. My mom told me it was because she wasn't happy in the relationship anymore so… so my dad doesn't ask her because he doesn't want her to be unhappy anymore."

"Oh so he's settling because what he really wants he can't get or he can get but is just scared that the happiness won't last."

Raina nodded. "But that still doesn't answer the question as to why they're screwing each other."

"Well maybe we got it wrong, maybe it's just for sex and they actually do hate each other but just good in bed together."

"I guess…"

Joe saw the disappointed look in his girlfriend's eyes and wish that he had just shut up, but on the other hand he was glad that he said what he said because he knew how she is and didn't want her to get her hopes up for something that may not be.

The bell sounded signaling the end of lunch and he stood up to throw their trays away and once he was done, he held her hand.

"I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too."

They shared a few kisses before they walked together to English class.


Bonnie for the first time was glad that Stefan did one of his famous five second calls letting her know that he was on his way then hung up. She completely forgot and didn't have enough time to plan her outfit so she went along with a plain shirt that she tucked in her skirt and ran over her hair with a straightener a few times just in time for her to hear knocks on the door. She opened it and tried to not drop the small smile she had on her face when she saw that Jay was the one who was behind the door.


"Hey, um I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to come."

"Oh, it's no problem."

"My parents just think weirdly, I guess."

Bonnie smiled and nodded turning to lock the front door. "Oh, what's your last name so I know what to call them?"

"Outlaw. Although they may want you to call them by their first names which are Max and Taylor."

Bonnie nodded and opened the car door smiling when she saw Raina and looked over at Stefan having their eyes meet for a second before climbing in. She wasn't even buckled in yet when he backed up out the driveway and started towards the Outlaw's residence.

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