Shopping -J.G.

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🛍|Live Streaming

🛍|^Maybe Vlogging cause you're a YouTuber

🛍|Q and A during live streams

🛍|Jack getting in the cart

🛍|Recreating the famous Titanic scene

🛍|^Singing, 'My Heart Will Go On,'

🛍|^^Getting yelled at by the people who work there

🛍|Fights with the plastic balls they have in shops

🛍|^Forgetting to clean it after. Oops?

🛍|Plastic sword fights!!

🛍| Jack buying unnecessary things

🛍|^ "Y/N let's get this one!"

🛍|^^" Jack we don't need that!"

🛍|^^^ "Okay fine! But you owe me a lot of kisses okay?"

🛍|^^^^ "...... Ugh..... Fine I guess!"

🛍|Doing tik tok dances and recording it

🛍|Doing wierd dances

🛍|^People looking at you and laughing

🛍|Holding hands

🛍|Pecking eachother

🛍|Doing Truth or Dare

🛍|End up buying a whole lot of unneeded things

🛍|Jack trying on makeup when theres a free trial

🛍|Buying stuff from the bakery

🛍|ICE ርREAM to eat when you watch movies

🛍|Being weird ass people

🛍|Joking around with each other


🛍|Sometimes you buy clothes too, only sometimes

🛍|Him being cringy

🛍|He wants to leave if it's clothes shopping

🛍|^But he pays, because he's a gentleman

🛍|Going to the mall cafe and having coffee\tea

🛍|Trying free cake samples

🛍|Singing songs if your actually bored

🛍|Calling random peoples names in the intercom (the thing that people use in emergencies or something, I've never seen those in my country)

🛍|^Giggling fits

🛍|Too many jokes

🛍|Jack always asking, "Do we need this?"

🛍|End up with 4 more bags that wouldn't be there if you used the actual list

🛍|Where's the list you ask? You have no idea because you dropped it somewhere.

🛍|You go home with a lot of bags and find stuff that you don't even know the name of!

🛍|^"Jack what's this?"

🛍|"I don't know, didn't you get that?"

🛍|"No... "

336 Words.
I love 'My Heart Will Go On' and I also love Titanic and I also obviously cried for like an hour after watching it.

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