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Eddie Kaspbrack and Y/N L/N were best friends. Their parents were friends and they had introduced Eddie to Y/N when they were 4,they had gotten along from the minute they saw each other and had instantly clicked.

Growing up together, Eddie was always with Y/N. His mother liked her, but she was afraid that Y/N would take her away from him. But she didn't do anything.

Eddie and Y/N became part of the original losers club, and Richie and Y/N started spending a lot of time together.

Eddie didn't mind that a lot, but soon he felt as if he was getting replaced, leading him to ignore Y/N. He didn't ignore Richie, just threw dirty looks at him.

Eddie used to sneak out of his house and night to go to Y/N's house, and once when he did, he saw Richie and Y/N walking down the street, laughing.

Eddie felt heartbroken and had turned around and gone back to his house. He didn't want to admit it but, Eddie had strange feelings for Y/N. He needed her attention, he didn't care about germs when he was with her, he didn't need to use his inhaler that much, he felt free when he was with her and realised that over the years, he had learned to love her.

And not as a best friend, as something more. Lovers. Soulmates. Those two words constantly took up Eddie's mind, not that he wanted to.

He knew that it was cliche to fall in love with your best friend. He knew that sort of things happen in rom-com movies and romance books, he knew that it was wrong, he knew that he shouldn't have these feelings, but, one question always made its way inside Eddie's head;

'Did she love him back?'

This is so different than my usual ones , lol.

But I saw something like this in a Finn Wolfhard imagines book and I was like, hey, I should do one like that.

Part two coming at ya! 😏

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