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You and Jack were going on your first date. He had asked you out a few days before when you guys were out with the rest of the losers.

You were going to the movies to watch a horror movie, ' (your fav horror movie) '.

Jack was picking you up in 5 minutes and you were checking your self in the mirror.

You were wearing a white T-shirt, tucked into a denim mini skirt that went up to your knees, a denim jacket and white Nike shoes.

You looked at your hair making sure it was okay. Your hair was brushed down, and flowed down your shoulders freely.

You looked at your face and gave yourself a grin, the mirror replicating it. Then you walked down stairs to wait for Jack.

No ones POV

Jack on the other hand was so scared. Before leaving his house, he checked his outfit more than 111 times, making sure that he looked presentable.

He even called Finn to ask him if he looked okay. He combed his hair, hoping his hair looked okay and not his usual messy hair.

He then proceeded to make sure his breath was nice. He used an entire bottle of mouthwash and didn't even care if it wasn't healthy to use that much at once.

He said bye to his parents and walked to Y/N's house. They had decided to walk to the cinema since it was close by and in walking distance.

Jack knocked on Y/N's door and waited for her to answer the door while fiddling with his sweaty hands.

The door opened and Y/N stepped out with a wide smile on her face.

"Hey Y/N you look beautiful," Jack tells her shyly, making her blush.

"Hi Jack. Don't look so bad yourself," She tells him with a slight grin,"But your hair looks weird."

She didn't have to stand on her toes to reach Jack's level, she was almost taller than Jack. She bought her hand up to his hair and messed it up,"There ya go."

Jack smiled at her and took her hand, inter lacing their fingers and squeezing it. She squeezes it back, making Jack's smile widen.

His nervousness was gone and he was okay.

Jack and Y/N went to the cinema with their intertwined hands swinging in between them and bright smiles on their faces.

Jack bought the tickets and Y/N made sure he let her pay for the drinks once he made her let him buy the popcorn.
They sat down in their seats which were on the balcony, front row and center. Which is like the best place to watch a movie in.

There was music playing in the cinema that was dimly light with a dull blue color light. The movie wasn't yet to start in another 15 minutes.

Y/N made small talk, and Jack joked around, as he shifted around in his seat, longing for the movie to start since he was getting hyper. Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder making him relax and give her a smile.

Jack stopped shifting around and looked at Y/N who was humming along to Dance Monkey by Tones and I which was now playing.

Jack longed to eat the popcorn, but he had promised himself to wait until the movie starts to eat it. He had thought that Y/N would hate it if the popcorn was 1/4 finished when the movie starts.

Y/N thought that Jack should've known better, since they had known each other for about 2 or 3 years, she always ate popcorn before the movie starts.

So she took a piece of popcorn and ate it, then indicated for Jack to take one. He sighed and took one himself. Almost melting at the taste of the sweet caramel popcorn.

The lights went off the the movie screen, switched on. The advertisements before the movie started playing and finally the movie started after the start credits.

Jack slowly lifted his left arm, trying to put it around Y/N's shoulders without peeing himself, which was hard, considering they were watching a horror movie and he was using all his confidence to do it.

He glanced at Y/N whose eyes we're fixed on the screen in front of them. He looked back at his arm which was inching its way to Y/N's shoulder.

Jack put his arm around your chair, too scared to do it. He started to lower his arm so that it fell on Y/N's shoulders.

Slowly and careful he did it, but he had done it too fast and it had scared Y/N making her let out a gasp.

Jack retracted his hand and the other audience surrounding them gave Y/N looks.

Y/N realising that it was Jack gave him a award winning smile and took his arm. Putting it over her shoulders herself. Jack grinned as she snuggled closer to him and he let his head rest on your shoulder.

When the movie was over, you and Jack were spooked as the movie was scary but it was nothing you guys couldn't handle.

Jack removed his arm from around you and stretched while most of the audience filled out of the cinema.

Y/N stood up as quick as Flash and glanced around to make sure of something.

Jack looked around the cinema, spotting 4 teenagers who were huddled together, sitting in the back and whispering to each other.

Jack looked back at Y/N who was glaring at those teens, confused Jack asks,"Y/N what's wrong?"

She shakes her head and pulls him up by his arm,"Oh I'll show you what's wrong," She grumbled and drags Jack to the four teens who were now looking anywhere but at Jack and Y/N.

Jack couldn't see their faces due to the lighting but once they got closer Jack realised it was Finn, Wyatt, Chosen and Jaedan.

He gasped striding over to them with Y/N right next to him,"Okay what's going on?" He asks Finn who seemed to be the leader of the whole operation, given the way the others pointed at him.

Finn glared at the 3 guys next to him and fake smiled at Jack," We were making sure that you guys had a good first date," Jack huffed," We did! Until you guys decided to crash our party!"

"Okay okay we are sorry," Jaedan apologizes.

"And don't tell Sophia about this or she will have our heads! We promised her we wouldn't do this!" Chosen adds.

"What bout Jeremy?" Y/N asks stifling a smirk.

"We asked him to come but he's too pure to do that," Wyatt admits.

Then all four of their faces turn into utter horror,"OH NO! He must've told Sophia!" Chosen screeches and pulls the other three away.

Jack and Y/N glance at each other and have a laughing fit.

"So you wanna get dinner at (your fav restaurant)?" Jack asks after calming down.

Y/N rolls her eyes,"Um duh!"

Jack laughs again, slinging an arm around Y/N and leading her out of the cinema.

1204 words.

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