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F/C : Favourite Colour
Y/N/N : Your NickName

You have breakfast and run upstairs to have a bath, after doing so you change into a black T-shirt that was half tucked into your jean shorts, and your usual F/C sneakers and to top it off you put on a F/C wrist watch too.

You go down the stairs and grab your keys off the kitchen counter while picking you school bag up from where you threw it yesterday, going outside and locking the door behind you.

Your parents were in a business trip and you were all alone. You grab your back from the garage and get on the bike, just in time to hear a bike breaking.

You look behind you and see Richie,"Hey Rich! Good Morning!"

Richie grins,"Morning Y/N/N! Wassup?"

"Nothing, was just about to leave, I didn't know you were coming with me."

Richie shrugs,"Meh, just felt like it,Anyways I'm supposed to pick Ed's up, wanna come with?"

"Sure, we have time."

You both ride to Eddie Kaspbrack's house while making jokes and laughing at literally nothing.

You stop your bike outside Richie's house and as Richie goes to get Eddie you just stay outside fiddling with your wrist watch.

There's a slam of the door as Eddie comes outside pulling a Richie with him, he seemed to be snapping at Richie about something, given his annoyed expression.

That is until he sees you, he stops dead in his tracks as you looks at him with confusion evident on your face, Richie smirks at Eddie and nudges him, making Eddie slap his hand away as he takes his inhaler out of his pocket and takes a puff in.

Eddie takes him bike and walks his bike over to you, with Richie trail in behind.

"Hey Y/N lovely morning isn't it?" He asks you, mentally face palming himself for asking such a cringy thing.

"Uh yeah, lovely morning," You reply as you start biking ahead of the two guys.

"Seriously Kaspbrack I thought you got game!" Richie tells Eddie in his usual annoying high pitched voice as he bikes faster to catch up to you.

"Fuck you!" Eddie tells him as he too bikes faster to catch up to the both of you.

You rode to school with Richie and Eddie roasting each other and you were sick of it. You went inside the school after parking your bike and went to your locker (is it just me or has anyone else noticed that I've mentioned lockers a lot, oops? 😅👈) and took your books out.

Your best friend Bill Denbrough comes up to you with a smile on his handsome face, you didn't like him, you just thought that he looked handsome. (Everyone gotta admit that Jaedan Martell is handsome and hot and cute) .

"H-Hey Y/N," He tells you as you pull your books out from your locker.

"Hey Billy boy," You greet him, making him roll his eyes.

"H-H-How are y-y-you?" He asks.

"I'm okay, just so done with Eddie and Richie arguing all the time! Makes me sick! And Eddie was acting way wierder than usual!" You rant to him making him roll his eyes yet again.

"Hey rolling eyes his my thing," Stan says as he walks to you guys.

"Hey Stan the Man," You tease him, making him cringe and roll his eyes.

"W-W-Whats going on with you Y-Y/N? Y-y-you sound l-like your turning into R-Richie," Bill claims with a slight frown.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking about what's wrong with Eddie, you weren't there this morning, he was like,'Hey Y/N lovely morning isn't it?' "  You mock him, making Bill and Stan look at each other with wide eyes.

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