Chapter Three

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Kageyama got up from the floor and glared at Hinata for a few moments before offering his hand to get him up. What a gentleman right?  Hinata slapped his hand, showing him that he didn't need help. Kageyama's ego was hurt after that but he knew that he had to cope with Hinata, since they were teammates.

"Morning, I see we have company. Are they the new players?" A guy with ash blond hair approached them. He was weirdly handsome and he looked kinda friendly too, rather than Tanaka.

"Yeah Suga, in flesh and blood." Tanaka pointed at their heads with a flat smile.

The guy walked over to them and shook both of their hands at the same time. "I'm Sugawara Koshi but please call me Suga. I'm a third year and the setter of the team. Daichi will be here at any moment, he just finished his class."

"And Daichi is?" Hinata asked Sugawara.

"I'll let him introduce himself to you. Oh wait, he's here."

A muscular guy walked inside the court and Hinata swore he was at least 20 years old by his looks. Same with Kageyama who assumed he was their coach. "God I'm exausted. Hey Suga, Tanaka what's up?" the guy sighed in a deep voice.

"Not much, I was babysitting the two jackasses over here." Tanaka laughed while elbowing Kageyama's bicep, which he wasn't very happy about.

"Newcomers huh? I'm the captain. Daichi Sawamura, pleasure to meet you guys." Daichi smiled at them. Kageyama was the first to shake his hand since out of all of the people he just met, Daichi was definitely his favourite one.

"We are currently waiting for three other members and two first years, I have your emails already from the school secretary so I'll let you know when the next team meeting is. For now you're free to go." Daichi clapped his hands and went outside with Sugawara.

Two other first years. Due to his antisocial tendencies Kageyama was annoyed and he felt a little bit threatened. But those third years, they seemed really cool. Maybe the first people Kageyama actually liked.

On his way to the bus station, he kept thinking about Hinata. He did want to face him again but right now it was pretty soon and it felt rushed. Kageyama wasn't mentally ready for a match anytime soon and the fact that Hinata was on the same team didn't ease his mind either.

"How on earth could someone cooperate with him? He is so damn annoying and aggressive. It would be impossible." Kageyama thought to himself.

As he kept walking, he had that weird feeling that someone was following him. And he wasn't wrong, he turned around and saw a biker. A really annoying one.

"Why are you following me, dumbass?" Kageyama snapped at Hinata.

"For your own sake stop calling me a dumbass. Also, my house is this way. So yeah I wasn't following you." Hinata mocked him.


Same school, same team and even same route? He was too tired to pick a fight at the moment so he kept walking with Hinata cycling beside him. At one moment Kageyama swore that he was staring at him. So he turned around but Hinata immediately turned his head the other way.

"Why are you staring at me?" Kageyama asked directly without thinking.

"Bullshit, I wasn't." Hinata stuttered, trying to hide his shame.

"Yeah, you were, just now." Kageyama insisted.

"You're being ridiculous."

"Ugh, why did you even choose Karasuno anyway?" Kageyama grunted.

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