Ch. 26 - Agent Life 2

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A/n: Okay, I'm not going to promise anything. However, I was thinking of maybe making this short story into an actual story. It would probably consist of only 10-15 chapters, maybe more. I can't promise how fast it would come out, considering how busy I currently am, but if enough of you like the idea then I might do it, otherwise I'll just shorten it. Let me know what you all think at the end!

Anyway, enjoy and don't forget to vote and follow for more of my stuff!

Y/n's POV:

It's been exactly one week since I got reacquainted with Ariana. Her personality has remained the same, which at first I worried about, since being famous can change people sometimes. However, she's still the sweet, caring, and funny girl I fell in love with over fifteen years ago. The only difference now is that she has made it big in the music industry, which isn't surprising to me. She's always been quite the talented little singer. She's also attained many dogs, but so far I've only been able to remember Toulouse and Myron. I was worried and nervous about being assigned to watch over her, but I think everything will turn out okay. My feelings for her have become tolerable over the years and my ability to control myself and make decisions based on what is most important to my mission is stronger than any of the other agents at headquarters.

I should have nothing to fear.

- The next day -

I'm busy putting suitcase after suitcase onto the tour buses, when I begin to hear people talking in the distance.

"Y/n!" I hear an all too familiar voice shout.

As I turn around I see Ariana walking my way with people on either side of her.

"Good morning Miss. Grande" I tell her.

She looks at me funny as she stops in her tracks just a few feet away. I probably overdid the formality just a little. Talking hasn't been something I do often in my line of work. I'll have to work on that.

"Miss. Grande? Why are you calling me that? Just call me Ariana or Ari. We were basically sisters at one point, there's no need to be formal." She says.

I nod my head in agreement.

"Anyway, I wanted you to meet two of my close friends and co-workers, Scott and Brian. They will also be coming on tour with us." She says.

"Nice to meet you both."

"The feelings mutual" Scott says.

"Yeah, Ariana has told us so much about you. I think it's really cool how close you guys used to be. I only wish I could have maintained a friendship as good as yours for so long when I was little, but ding dong over here always got jealous of others." Brian says, pointing to Scott.

"Hey!" Scott says.

"It's okay Scott, Ariana was the same way." I tell him, and Ariana's jaw drops.

"I was not!" She argues.

"Whatever you say princess."

I notice her cheeks turn a light red at my words, but I brush it off as her feeling embarrassed. This was something that happened a lot when we were kids, I would joke around with her and she would get red like a cherry and give me the silent treatment, sometimes for hours on end if I didn't apologize right away.

"Alright everyone! Make sure you have everything! We leave in fifteen minutes!" A man shouts, who with a closer look, I realize to be Scooter, Ariana's manager.

Everyone quickly goes back to packing and I see Scooter motion for me to follow him.

"You wanted to talk?" I ask him.

"Yes. I wanted to introduce myself to you personally. I also wanted to thank you for taking on this job. I know it's not what you typically do, but I'm very grateful. The bombing that occurred on the previous tour really messed Ariana up. It took her a long time to get back to her old self and she still has some not so good days." He says.

"No need to thank me. I'm actually glad that it turned out to be Ariana. I didn't think I would ever see her again, but now I can at least make sure to leave our relationship in a good way, once this whole thing is over."

"You don't plan on staying?" He says.

"No, my boss probably already has multiple cases lined up and waiting for me when this is done."

"Well do you at least plan on keeping in contact?" He asks.

As much as I would like too, I wouldn't be able to maintain a friendship with her. Not when I'm out every night searching for my next target. I want to, I really do, but I just can't risk putting her in harms way. As an assassin, having anyone close to you is considered a weakness. If my enemy were to ever find out about Ariana, they could use her to their advantage, or worse, kill her.

"I wasn't planning on it no."

"What weren't you planning on?" I hear the same voice as earlier say.

"Oh, Ariana. I was just telling Y/n how she will be staying on your bus for the tour." Scooter says.


"Oh my god, we can have sleepovers like we used to, watch movies all night, play games, and share my bed!" Ariana says.

"Sounds good to me." I tell her with a forced smile.

This mission will be the death of me. How am I supposed to sleep with my childhood crush next to me?!

To Be Continued...

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