Ch. 17 - Thoughts?

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Please read before continuing:

So, I've been getting a few requests from some people about doing imagines or a book where either your character or Ariana is GP!, and at first I didn't feel all that comfortable with it. However, as I started writing this new imagine, I found myself really enjoying the story I was creating. So, this imagine is more of a prologue for a possible new book I may write. I wanted to get other people's ideas about it and if they'd actually read it or not. I wouldn't be able to promise how fast new chapters would come out, so it would be slow updating. Anyway, please read this if you're at all interested and let me know in the comments what you think!

Much love 🖤

GxG (Y/n is G!P)

Y/n's POV:

Ever since my boyfriend Nate broke up with me about 2 years ago, I've sworn off dating. Our relationship was great and he was such a nice guy, until he found out about my condition.

You see, I'm a girl who has a dick instead of a vagina. There's nothing wrong with me, it's just how I was born.

He found out while we were making out one day and my little friend decided to pay a visit. We quickly got into an argument and he said I was a freak and a bunch of other names, and that no one would want me. I tried to explain to him that it didn't change who I am, and that I was just born that way. But he didn't wanna hear any of it, so he broke up with me and just left me in my room crying and feeling like an outcast.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me either. I had multiple guys leave me throughout my years in college, but I never dated any of them as long as I had Nate. Most of the time they would find out within the first couple weeks, or I'd straight up tell them on the first date. Of course, it hurt to get rejected every time, but not as much as when Nate broke up with me. We were together for almost 5 months, and had gotten really close. He was super sweet and respected my wish to take things slow. We clicked so well and I was starting to think that maybe he was the one, maybe it won't bother him.

Of course, I was wrong, and because we were together longer than any of my past relationships, it really hurt and messed with me. No one has ever stayed with me after learning about my condition, so I don't know why I always get my hopes up.

That's why I chose to give up on finding love and put all of my focus on following my dream career.

To work in a music studio.

I know it may sound dumb or unrealistic, but it's what I want to do. I've liked working with music ever since I was 8 years old. I don't want to become famous or anything, I just wanna be able to make my own music. I don't write lyrics or sing, but I love creating different beats for songs and rhythms. I actually won an award for best remix and sound artist of 2017, back when I was attending college. I got the opportunity to create a song or beat and send it off to one of the countries largest music records. They had over 100,000 people send in a song, so to have mine get picked was like a dream come true.

Shortly after that I was offered a paid internship at a record label in New York. I didn't hesitate to accept the offer and my family and friends helped me move. Thankfully, I already lived in New York so the move wasn't so difficult and my family and friends were still close by. I don't know if I would have made it this far without them. They've helped me get through every breakup, bully, and life problem I've had. They don't judge me or act weird or uncomfortable when around me. They just accept me for me and that's it.

Thankfully no one at the record company knows either. So, I'm able to relax and be me while working, which I love and honestly is all I want. Most people just stop talking to me when they learn, so I don't really make an effort to make new friends or chat with many people at work. I'd rather be treated like everyone else, follow my dream, and avoid heartache, than be seen as a freak.

So I told myself, no more dating. Well, that is until I met Ariana Grande.

You might as well take a seat and get comfortable, because it's a long story.


A/n: PLEASE don't forget to give me feedback about this and whether or not you would like to see this possible book.

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