Insanely Cool Sleepover

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Jared's P.O.V.

Evan sighed as he hung up the phone and dropped onto the couch beside me. "My mom is working until three tonight, or, morning or... whatever."

"You can stay, Acorn." I offered.

"A-are you sure? I don't want to bother you or anything."

"You should know me by now, dude. If I didn't want you over, I would've already kicked you out."

He smiled, "Okay then, I'll stay." I grinned.

"Sweet. Now, what do you wanna do?" 

"Um, we could watch TV? How about Harry Potter!?"

I chuckled. "Sure. Which one?"

His eyes sparkled "All of them."

"That's literally impossible," I laughed.

He giggled, which, by the way, adorable.... I didn't say that....

"Prisoner of Azkaban?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Yes!" he cheered. He sat down next to me and texted his mom that he'd be at my place for the night. Then I started the movie.

As soon as the movie was over, I stood up, turned it off and walked over to the door.

"C'mon, I'm starving and have a dangerously low supply of ice cream left in the freezer."

Even just laughed as we pit our shoes on. I grabbed my keys and we headed for the store. We picked picked up lots of pizza rolls and chips, and then headed for sugar. We got three different kinds of ice cream.

Evan picked out plenty of cookies, because there's no junk food binge without Oreos!

As we walked down the isle I grabbed chocolates and random candys.

"You're gonna get sick from all of that," Evan laughed as he put gummy bears in the cart.

"Listen, Acorn, you're talking to a pro. This is nothin'. Besides, you're getting a lot of gummy bears. Are any of those for me?"

He looked down at the gummy bears, back at me, back at the bears, back at me, and grabbed another bag off of the shelf, staring at me the while time.


I laughed, "Sure, sure."

He giggled. "Anything else we need?"

I gasped, "Whipped cream and and sprinkles!"


"There's never a true need for whipped cream, Hansen, but there's always room for it."

"Fair enough." he smiled at me as I led the way to the get the toppings."

That night, there was a lot of junk food consumed. Anything left over was stashed in a secret hiding spot in my room. We watched movies, laughed, and joked all night, and, honestly, it was a pretty awesome night.

It was almost two before I noticed Evan was about to pass out. He was kind of slap-happy as well, and it was hilarious. I was also getting tired anyways, so I figured we should call it a night.

I turned off the tv. "Okay, I think it's time for bed."

He yawned, which in turn made me yawn, which made the author yawn, especially since it was 3 am when they wrote this chapter.

"yeah, probably," he agreed.

We were both on my bed, because it was big enough for the two of us, and neither of us really thought anything of it.

I turned the light off and grabbed an extra blanket in case Evan thought it would be a good idea to steal all of it in the middle of the night like last time.

I collapsed on the bed next to him with a yawn.

"Night, Hansen."

"Night, Jared."


Hey, hey, hey.

I know it has been absolutely forever, but life has been really rough recently and school is dumb, so its been hard for me to find the time, energy, or inspiration to write much.

But, tonight felt different. I hope you like the chapter, because it makes me happy to be able to get another chapter out!

And, hopefully, it won't take as long for me to wrote one as this one did.

Love y'all, stay awesome💖


(652 words)

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