~Shinso~ Poor Hitoshi

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(Requested by my sister friend)

(Y/n)'s POV

Almost two in the morning, what I thought was the calmest hour of the night, and I was having a panic attack. All because of my classmate's clumsiness. Kaminari had dropped his glass cup, which had shattered right next to my room. It had woken me from my sleep, and it shot fear through me until I realized I was at the dorms. I made sure he was okay with a very shaky voice, to which he replied with a yes. He cleaned it up, and I still couldn't shake the panic away. When I lived back in my parents' house, I would've gotten my butt beaten raw for breaking anything. One half of my mind screamed that I was going to get beaten, the other tried to reason that I was safe. My hands shook, breath strained, and muscles tense. Grabbing my phone, I called the one person I knew would be up at this hour.

Shinso's POV

A yawn forcefully made its way out of my mouth, the only light in the room was my phone screen. Nothing was holding my interest, but I couldn't fall asleep either way. Just when I was about to set my phone down, it vibrated. Looking at the screen again, a very familiar name popped up. I would've normally smiled at the name, but she was never up this late.
  "(Y/n)? What're you doing up at this hour?" I asked, perking up at the soft sound of a shaky sigh.
  "H-hitoshi..... Can you come over? Please?" She asked, voice small. I sat up, throwing my blanket off of me.
  "I'm on my way. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?" I asked, concern blooming in my chest.
  "N-no. I left my door unlocked, just come in when you get here." She replied, voice strained.
  "I'll be there soon, okay?"

~POV change and time skip~

Hitoshi had come in, a few snacks and a water bottle in a shopping bag. I explained what happened, and he let me sit up against him. He had stacked up pillows for me to sit up against, and I had my head rested on his shoulder. I managed to calm down some, tears still slowly dripping down my cheeks. This was improvement from the position I was in before, curled up in a ball with my hands weaved tightly through my hair. Now, his hand lightly massaged at my scalp, the other pulling me up and into his lap. My head now rested on his chest, where I could hear his heart steadily thumping.
  "Hitoshi?" I asked weakly, looking up at him. Soft eyes found mine, a hand wiping my wet cheeks. From the light of my lamp, I could see the deep colors blending in his eyes.
  "Hm?" He hummed, waiting patiently as I cleared my throat and sniffled.
  "Could you..... Sing something to me?" I asked, letting out a big breath.
  "Of course. Anything in particular?" He asked, and I shook my head. I laid my head down of his chest as he thought, relaxing slightly at his warmth.

Shinso's POV

I cradled (Y/n) as I thought, remembering the movie I had watched recently with Eri.

What have I done?
What have I done?
How could I be so blind?
All is lost
Where was I?
Spoiled all
Spoiled all
Everything's gone all wrong
What have I done?
What have I done?
Find a deep cave to hide in
In a million years they'll find me
Only dust and a plaque that reads
"Here Lies Poor Old Jack"

I sang as well as my tired vocal cords would allow, feeling her relax completely against me. I didn't push the warm feeling bubbling up I my chest as I did with others before her, smiling as she nuzzled closer.
  "You have a beautiful voice." She said softly, making my cheeks warm up slightly.
  "Thanks.... Hey, can I tell you something?" I asked, feeling her lift her head to look at me.
  "Yeah, anything." She replied, and I smiled more.
  "You remember when we first met, how you stood up for me?" I began, and she nodded.
  "When my class called your quirk villainous? Yeah, but what about it?" She asked, curiosity in her gorgeous eyes.
  "Well, it changed me... In a way. You showed me that there are people who can see the good in anything..... And more specifically, me. I knew you were there for me, that you had my back. And well...... I want you to know that I have yours. I don't care what your parents will say or do to me. As long as you're safe and happy, nothing else matters. I care for you, way more than you think." I confessed, looking away from her. I braced for a rejection of some kind, but instead heard a small snicker from her.
  "Well, at least the feeling's mutual. This would be super awkward otherwise." She replied, making me look up at her. She wore a bright smile now, a contrast to her tear stained cheeks.
  "You're amazing." I blurted, watching her cheeks flare with pink.
  "Oh hush! You don't mean it." She said, and I began assaulting her cheek in kisses. She squealed softly, giggling. She made no move to push me away, and I smirked.
  "I meant every word, love."

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