Help Me Out...

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So, I cannot find a fic a read a few months ago, and it's been bothering me that I cannot find it. I do not remember whether it's on AO3 or Tumblr, but it's a Bakugou smut.

In summary, Bakugou and (Y/n) live in the same apartment, and have a little routine since she isn't a hero and he is. But at night, she can hear him pleasuring himself every night, and one night he says her name. Normally she shuts it out, until she doesn't and he catches her in the act. It's a rough smut, and it's twisting my brain in knots trying to find it.

If anyone knows what it's called or had the link PLEASE message me or put it in the comments, because your dearest author can't search the whole Internet.

Thank you, my lovelies! I will most likely be updating here very soon!

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