"No no no, we won't have that, now will we" he said, letting go of the woman.

"Show me the girl" he said

"NO, I won't let you have her!" My mother shouted, crawling towards me and cradling my frail body protectively in her arms.

"You know what?, I'm going to come back in six months, when spring comes, and if you don't give me that girl by then I will burn this village to the ground." He growled, narrowing his eyes. Creating a very scary look on his face.

He seemed to take an interest in the small girl, as she was a cute little baby. He thought that because her mother was such a beauty she was probably going to be a replica or even more gorgeous than her mother, something his client might give him extra credit for.

Seeing that thought, he nodded to himself. Brushing off his cloak, he stormed out of the house.

Once he had left, my mother started to cry. After a couple of seconds my baby instincts kicked in and I cried along with her.

We were both scared to death, thinking about what he meant by coming back to take me.
About five months have passed and I am almost turning five. I've decided too celebrate with the village kids. Most of the children in the town know me and I sometimes play with them when we go to check the rice fields. We sing songs about wildlife and frogs.

Sometimes we even see deer.

I usually ride piggyback on one of the older girls, Fumiko.

We share a special bond, kind of like a sister bond.

She also heard of our brake in and immediately rushed to help us out when fixing the door.

My mother trusts her so much that she told her about the man going to take me away.

Fumiko was shocked to say the least. She insisted that we should flee to York new city, as it was quite close to the small village they lived in.

Mother refused though, cause she didn't want to risk the man burning down the village if he found out we'd fled.

Over the months we had had discussions about him. I kept tying to convince her that I'll be fine, but, still being 4 on the outside, no one would take me seriously.

"Mommy, I'll go with him, that way you can be safe!" I say confidently.

"NO, Aiko you're not going with this man!, you're to young to know about this kind of stuff, but he's going to take you away!, And do bad things to you!, I cannot let that happen." She cried, grabbing my shoulders. She looked me dead in the eye.

If only you knew, that I am actually 16 years old on the inside and independent af.

"What are we gonna do then?" I say,

"I will worry about that later sweetie, now, where is your kimono, Aiko?" She asks, looking at me suspiciously.

"I dunno what you're talking about" I say innocently, shifting till I'm standing right in front of my futon.

My mother shakes her head and tries to push me aside, looking under the futon, she sees a neatly folded kimono. It's the kimono I'm supposed to wear for my fifth birthday. Which by the way, is today.

"And you don't know anything about this?" She asks sarcastically.

"Nope." I say with a cheeky grin.

Momentarily forgetting the fact that the man would be coming back in a matter of weeks, my mother dressed me up.

The kimono itself was beautiful. It was made of a fine red silk, white embroidery at the holes of the sleeves and bottom of the dress. It had some brown, red, white and golden koi-fish swimming around the fabric. The obi (the waist band thingy) was a gold and white sash, combining at the back and sprouting in a big bow.

I wore my hair up in a bun, with a couple of locks sticking out. I had a pin with dangly jewels hanging off them.

The party itself was a great success. The towns children enjoyed it and they all played together around the pond at the back of the house.

At sunset we all gathered round, sitting on the veranda we lighted some sparklers. They sparked in the setting sun as we all giggled and felt content.

Then the chaos started.

First we smelled smoke, but that wasn't wierd, for we had sparklers on.

Then the screaming came.

I started to panic and tears started forming in my eyes. Why where people screaming?

My mother came rushing out of the house. She noticed that we where safe, and relaxed for a moment. But then she realized if there was screaming, where was it coming from?

The village sirens went off, they blared and gave us all a fright.

The other kids around me were confused and scared.

My mother left to go see what had happend. Some minutes later she came running back to our house. She was dirty, like she had just fallen over.

Us children where huddled up with eachother, with the oldest in the front.

"What happend?" Asked Fumiko.

"The village is on fire."

That's it for now babes! Hope this was good<3 (edited as well)

I'm going to do a big time skip to when she's older and then on other time skip to when she's the same age as kurapika.
( )

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