17. Bumps along the rush

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'Tom can you get me a towel from my closetttt'

'Wait I'm getting dressed unless you want to see my six packs' Tom said

'Dude I don't care, I need a towel because I forgot it'

He handed you a towel through a gap between the shower curtain and wall. You saw a small glance of his bare chest in the mirror and you couldn't stop thinking of how fit he was. You quickly scrambled to your room and got dressed. You were extremely late to work and so was Tom but he didn't give a damn about it.

'Hey watch where you're going!' exclaimed Tom when you bumped into him in the kitchen.

'I'm not the one walking while using my phone so if you may, either sit down or let me pass because you are going to make me and yourself even more late to work' you said

He scoffed and went to put his shoes on. You quickly grabbed an apple, your handbag and keys and rushed to leave when you bumped into Tom again in the doorway.

'Are you gonna get going o-'

Shoot. Mistletoe.

Both of you looked up at the same time. You were clearly both nervous. You immediately regretted putting that mistletoe up. He gave you a quick look before placing a soft kiss on your lips then ran down the stairs 'Let's not mention that to anyone' he called at you before he disappeared into his car. You took a moment to digest what happened then realized that you had a job to go to.

Neither of you brought it up the rest of that day.

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