10. Sunset-inspired photoshoot

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'Come on, you're going to make us late' you shouted while banging on Tom's bedroom door.

It's 3 in the morning; Harrison and the rest of the boys were in the living room waiting for Tom as well. You told Harry to bring his camera bag and told the boys to dress nicely and bring 2 or 3 outfits more because you really wanted to have a photoshoot with them having the sunset as a background. You chose two locations, the beachside and the countryside. While you were at it, you prepared some sandwiches and washed some fruits so you can all have a picnic.

Tom finally finished getting ready and you set off on your 'adventure'. You all sang along to some of your favorite songs. When you arrived, Harry took individual pictures of each person then he set the camera on a tripod and set a timer so you can all be in one picture. His talent at taking pictures amazed you. When you dressed into your floral, long dress and put your hair down, they all complimented your beauty. You felt loved by them. They all brought suits and got dressed into them as well. Your favorite picture was the one that had the sunset in the background, you in your dress with your beach wavy hair, the boys in suits and some rose petals scattered on the sand. The next day you printed that picture big enough to live up to your desire, framed it and hung it up on the living room wall. It looked very pretty next to a picture of Tessa, one of you and Tom lying on the grass and one of you with Paddy while he was braiding your hair.

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