15. The awkward paparazzi incident

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After months of refusal, you finally made up your mind to go golfing with Tom. You weren't much of an athletic person but as golf didn't require anything except standing and strong arms. At least that's what you thought.

You arrived at the golf course and found the mini courses to get you started. Tom held the club for you from the back to guide you. When he saw the paparazzi across, he let you go and just told you how to do it. After months of living together, and going out together, and being spotted together, and being shipped together by his fans, now, by a simple golf help, he let you go. You kept it water under the bridge because you didn't want to think of it. You moved on to the bigger fields and you slowly got the hang of it. It was a very fun day and you finished it off with some fast food and a small drive. You seriously wanted to ask Tom about why he stopped helping you after seeing the paparazzi but you didn't want to cause more problems than you already had that week.

'Why did the two of you go golfing without us, we really wanted to see y/n on her first day so we can make fun of her' Harry said when you and Tom went over to their house for brunch the next day.

'How do you know?'

'Do you forget that you're a celebrity and there's such a thing as paparazzi?' Harry answered

Harrison whipped his hand in front of Tom to show him a picture from this morning's news. It was one before he let you go. He looked at it, gave no emotions towards it, and simply said that they can all go next time. You furrowed your eyebrows at Tom's neutral face expression but, again, said nothing.

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