9. The pursued career

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A/N this chapter is relatively short but I remind that this fanfiction isn't going to be successful anyway. I'm halfway through my book and hopefully will start editing the first couple of chapters so that I can post them :)

'How do I look?'

'You look beautiful.... you are beautiful'

You were dressed in a pencil skirt and a tucked-in shirt, ready to go to a job interview. You finally found a company that was looking for a beginner in Civil Engineering. You thought you would give it a try. Tom offered you a ride but you reminded him that you finally got a car. He laughed the awkwardness of the situation off and you left the house. He called after you with your handbag; you were so nervous that you forgot it inside on the coffee table.

The interview went well. You got the job right away. The salary was good and the time was convenient.

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