13. Winter approaches

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You spun round to see Sam, Harry, Paddy, Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine all standing in a line, snowballs in each hand. Tuwaine lifted his right arm and you gave him a stern look. Right before the ball hit you in the face, you thought you saw a cheesy smile on his face. 'Ughh how dare you'

You bent down to grab some snow in your hand but around 7 snowballs hit you on the back causing you to fall over.

You all went on a road trip to the mountains because it was a weekend and what's better than a road trip. The snow was as white as a sheet of paper and the trees had ice as well as snow all over them. The view was mind-blowing.

Paddy lay down next to you and started doing snow angels. Soon, everyone else joined in and there were many giggles around. After finding a coffee shop, you all went in to have a hot chocolate and sit next to the fireplace. The shop was already decorated with Christmas lights and a tree. That's when you realized you needed to do the same. But the boys said they needed help decorating their house. So you decided you'd start with their house and then move onto yours.

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