7. Emergency code red

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The pain was excruciating. This didn't surprise you because it happened every month. There was nothing to do about it, painkillers didn't help, heating pads didn't help, and nothing did. You'd spend the whole first day either on the bathroom, in bed silently in pain or puking. This was one of the reasons you didn't want to live with a boy, not the shame of getting your period but seeing them trying to help but not succeeding.

It was a Saturday morning, and knowing yourself, you called yesterday evening to tell your boss for a sick leave.

Tom knocked on your door telling you it was time to wake up. Without allowing him to come in, you told him you took a day off to rest. His okay didn't sound reassuring and you were sure he wasn't going to leave you for the rest of the day until he made sure you were fine. He brought you breakfast in bed and sat next to you with his own tray. He kept glancing at you, concerned although you told him you were good. When he left, you rushed after him, pushing him with your elbow and you fell in front of the toilet, first puke of the day. He set the trays on the kitchen table and immediately came in to hold your hair and rub your back.

Tom's POV

'Dude I think it's that time of the month and I don't know what to do'

I hate seeing y/n in pain. She looked extremely pale and she had about three trips to the bathroom already. My mum gave my brothers and I lessons about how to treat women but I missed the one about periods because I had work so I called Harry to see if there was anything I can do.

'Right I'm coming over but in the meantime, get her a heating pad and place it on her lower stomach then get her a painkiller and a glass of water. Ask if there is any food she's craving, get her that and get chocolate, preferably dark, some berries and ice-cream'

I did as I was told but she resisted the heating pad. She said it didn't do anything but I forced it on her. I got her chicken nuggets and everything Harry listed and by the time I was back, Harry was already there, lying next to her in bed, rubbing her back. I put the ice-cream in the freezer and handed her the chicken.

By the time the day was over, Harry had passed out in the bed next to you and you didn't have the heart to wake him up, so you texted Harrison and told him that Harry will be spending the night at yours. He told you that he wished he could have come over as well but he was super busy at work and he'd hopefully have some free time tomorrow to see you. 

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