"This unique star system is one of the closest star clusters to our solar system. We call them the "Seven Sisters" and our seven day cycle on Pluto is actually based upon these seven stars," He points at seven haphazardly arranged stars on the screen and a Plutonian officer sitting by the computer leans in looking interested.

"Thanks for the mythology lesson, half blood," Lazarus sneers at him as he walks in with Luna and Lucian in tow. 

Lucian joins us and I watch Lazarus scowl my way before heading to the front of the control room. 

"How many cycles till we reach Taygeta?" He asks an officer standing by the control board. 

"Around five, PG Lazarus," The officer stands up straight and answers quickly, looking afraid. 

"Call for a meeting. We need to discuss a few matters," Lazarus instructs and the Plutonian rushes off to do his bidding. 

The room fills up soon after and Lucian leaves us to join the generals and the trinity at the center of the room. 

"Let's begin," General Lyra stares at the rest of us with a tired look on her face. She briefly describes the recent events on Taygeta - a rebel force took out the Plutonian bases on both of Taygeta's moons with the help of the Taygetians themselves. Apparently Taygeta has been under the Plutonian empire for five hundred Plutonian years and this is the first time something like this has happened.

"As previously discussed I suggest we burn down half of their planet before we reach and then swoop in to save the day. Make them bleed with guilt and beg for our forgiveness after betraying us," Lazarus announces with pride and my hands shake with the temptation to grab his neck and snap it in half. 

My head whips to Lucian's face and I can already see him getting angry. 

"It didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now. You burn down half of their population and it takes away half of that planets productivity. I say we cut off their trade for a fair amount of time and only punish the ones directly involved in the ambush," Lucian is quick to counter Lazarus's suggestion.

"We can't be sure if we've caught all of the Taygetian rebels and the ones who blew up our forces escaped," General Grievous answers crossly. "I agree with PG Lazarus. We told them we would protect them from the fires but if they choose to side with the rebels then why should we care about their well beings. Let's see if the rebels are able to save them from our fire bombs."

I cast a querulous glance at Remulus. "Fire bombs?"

"The Plutonians planted fire bombs all over Taygeta awhile ago without them knowing and lied to them about needing protection from the fires. It was done to keep them in check. The Plutonians created the problem and then offered the solution and the Taygetians accepted our help," He whispers to me, looking rather disappointed.

"Shall we take a vote then?" Lazarus licks his lips in anticipation. "All those in favor for the fires kindly raise your hand. We shall assume that the ones who don't automatically agree to the second weaker option of cutting off trade."

The way he says those last few words makes my blood boil. He is obviously making fun of Lucian and I really wish I could punch that smug smile off his entitled looking face.

I watch as General Grievous, General Ursae, Lazarus and Luna raise their hands. It is pretty obvious that our votes don't matter because every soldier in their squads follow suit. 

That leaves General Lyra, her squad, Lucian and us. It is obvious who won the vote and something inside me churns like a boiling pot of hatred as I see Lazarus skip to the control board happily. Thanks to him half of the Taygetians will be killed before we reach their planet.

"Begin the set up," General Ursae instructs. "We shall start the fires once we are ten light years away."

I watch her squad type furiously into a computer after her command. 

"Which button has been programmed for the bombs set off?" Lazarus stretches his arms out eagerly and I watch Sergeant Commander Physus point at a small red lever on the control board. 

Lazarus leans in looking excited and then he pauses. His head suddenly whips in my direction and my blood freezes in my veins.

"Let's follow tradition. The newbies get to do the killing as an informal induction into the army," Lazarus suggests. "What do you say, officer Aria?"

I stiffen under his scrutiny and everyone turns my way. 

"I think officer Aria has done her fair share of killing serpents," General Lyra is quick to counter. 

"But it is tradition for all of us to kill traitors. I did it, so did Lucian," Lazarus says innocently. 

"Enough! She's not doing it," Lucian almost shouts in anger and General Grievous cuts him off. 

"I think it's a perfect way for officer Aria to show her loyalty to the empire after her little debacle of a speech that lead to the rebellions. It's not so hard to pull a lever. If she needs help the half breed can help her," General Grievous narrows his eyes at me and most of the soldiers nod their heads in agreement. "We shall meet here ten light years before we land to watch Commander Remulus and officer Aria do the deed." 

He walks away with his wife in tow and I stand rooted in place, my hands shaking like I'd just been electrocuted.

Fun fact: The Pleiadies star system is one of the closest star systems to our solar system, they can be seen from Earth and the myth of the Seven Sisters (stars) is based on greek mythology.

I don't know if u guys can hate Lazarus any more than you already do but I'm sure pushing ure limit lol. Just incase u guys are curious, the next chapter will take place in Taygeta and I know most of you are curious about who S is but that will only be revealed at the end. 

And I'm trying to wrap things up but I don't thing we are near the end yet hehe

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