Part 7♦️: A Bomb Ass Babe

Start from the beginning

"This is hell.. Everyone has a hidden agenda babe." Angel replied unconcerned pulling his boots. "Besides if Niss rats us out it's only cause Papi put the screws on him, trust me. He's no reason to right now, he don't even know who I really am.."

"You hope." Cherri added following him out of the guest bedroom to the bathroom down the hall, stopping as he wrenched the door open.

"Look, we're only here cause I need Niss t'tell me what he knows about the Casino Demon, kapeesh? He always was a cagey fucker t'get close to, give him a break. Now lemmie freshen up and then we can go out and get the stuff needed to make ya a knock-out.." With that the bathroom door slammed shut and locked.

"Hah! You seriously think it's just going to take gussying me up to look like some fifties pin-up girl to work?" Cherri narrowed her eye in immediate annoyance that he was still willing to go through with this plan.

"Re-lax will ya? I'll teach ya the rest." Angel's voice had called out over the sound of the tap running from the other side of the door where he was presumably washing his face. "Forget knockin' 'em dead by the time I'm done with ya they'll all wanna be eatin' ya out.."

"Eurgh, seriously, how does your boyfriend put up with you?" Cherri shivered in disgust, she didn't mind the sex talk when it wasn't aimed at her.

"Fuck knows suga tits but he's my fuckin' hero for it.."


"Arackniss my only boy, how is our little project comin'?" Henroin's soft aged voice seemed to murmur just above a whisper. "I hear rumours that you were talkin' with a couple of outside demons, was this true."

"A couple of stooges Paps, that's all. I figured the best way t'get info was t'bring in some outside help.." Arackniss replied easily enough since this was exactly how he felt about the situation. Of course his father's many eyes and ears would have spotted him with his brother and that one-eyed girl with the nice legs.

"Ain't one of them an adult film actor? That's what my informants was tellin' me." The old spider demon with pale greyish-blue fur and slicked back white head fluff stated. There was an obvious look of disapproval in his pink eyes as if he was questioning his son's private life choices.

"Is he?" Arackniss feigned ignorance easily as he was well practised at it and he had given his father no reason to trust him. "I was unaware of that being that I do not watch anything of that nature. He and his lady friend were tresspassin' on our turf. I said they could have safe passage out if they agreed to do this job. That's all this is Paps.."

"Very well, since ya have givin' me no reason t'doubt ya I will let this slide." Henroin exhaled and relaxed his posture a little. "But watch that boy. There's somethin' familiar about him that I don't like.."

"Ya gotit Paps." The younger of the two spiders nodded curtly then turned away to head out the door, relieved that his father didn't recognised his youngest son for who he was. But then that could have more to do with not seeing his face for himself as to the younger spider it was obvious they were related next to him.

"And Arackniss.." His father's voice made him freeze with his hand on the door knob. "This job of yours is goin' down t'night, right?"

"Yeh.. Don't worry, ya will have ya answer before midnight, it'll be a sinch." The younger spider demon with darker bluish-grey fur grinned before leaving his don's office.


"Ahow!! Ahow!!" Cherri's angry yelping filled the guest bedroom as Angel tried to brush her matted mess of a barnet. "Fuck sake Angie! Your gonna rip out all my fucking hair!"

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