Deciding to knock on the door, I stopped abrtupty when I felt my shoulder begin to burn .

I wanted to ignore it, I was going to ignore it but a sharp pain shot through my heart and I fell to the floor with a loud thud.
My heart began to ache and I couldn't move my left shoulder. It felt as if something was crawling underneath my skin. I couldn't breathe.

Pulling down the shirt, I looked to see the mark of the curse, the two snakes symbol glowing.It was emitting a dark smoke. Then I looked at my arm where I felt something crawling underneath, there something black crawling under my skin

I couldn't move my arm, the thing was smoky, crawling up and down in my arm.

Another pain shot through my heart and I screamed louder. I was convulsing and whimpering.

The curse!

It's acting up again!

No no not here not in front of Jungkook!

He doesn't know!

Tears stream down my face as I screamed

I needed help

This time I cried out louder, the door to the closet burst opened and a wide eyed Jungkook came out.

He looked confused at my scream in but scared as well.

"Hey, what's wrong "

He rushes over, pulling me on his laps. He rubbed my face, pulling my hair from my face as he gave me a scared look.

I crawled up to him , clinging onto him like my life depended in it. It began to calm a bit after he had me in his arms.

"Luna what's wrong "

I liked the fact that he mentioned my name , while gently smoothening my hair but the thing was still crawling under my skin. My right had went to hold the left arm, I tried to pull the shirt, showing him but he beat me to it.

"Shit what's that?! "

I could tell he was seeing the thing crawling under my skin.

"Is that not a tattoo? "

He run his hand on my arm in an attempt to soothe it, and the tingles our bond gave me helped but it still hurts.
I shook my head weakly, crying..

I was out of breath, sweating along with my body that had began to shake.

"The.... The medallion"

I needed the medallion but how could I get it.

"What?! "

He asked, impatiently

"I.... I needed the medallion, Luca, call anyone and just tell them to bring it "

"Okkk.,. What the fuck is that?! "

I expected his reaction to be this and more.

"Never mind, just hang in there, I'll get them"

He lifted me up in his arms, in a flash I was placed in the bed.

He was leaving, I whimpered and grabbed his wrist which made him look at me confused,

"Don't... Don't go "

I pleaded, that seemed to make his eyes soften, I could feel the hot tears creasing my face.

"I have to get..."

I shook my head cutting him off.

He sighed and sat back on the bed, pulling me closer. Without hesitation I was crawling unto him as if my life depended on it.

REJECTED BOND||J.JK✅Under Short Editing Where stories live. Discover now