~Chapter Fifteen~

Start from the beginning

“I need to see Ed, which room is his?” I ask, and she lets me in and points me in the right direction.

“Thanks Becca.” I say and walk to Ed’s room. I slowly collet my breath, now doubting whether or not I really want to do this, but I knock anyway.

Ed’s P.O.V.:

There’s a knock at my door, I ignore it. Whoever it is can go fuck themselves for waking me up this early. The person opens my door, letting in bright light from the hallway, and I flip them off as they turn the lights on.

“Bloody Hell.” I say and shove the covers up over my head.

“Ed, I need to talk to you.” A familiar voice says, it sounds like her, but it couldn’t be her. She hates me now. I slowly uncover my head, and hell, it really is her.

“What about?” I say groggily, not really accepting the fact that I'm awake, I could be dreaming.

“I feel like I'm missing a part of the story.” She says quickly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look this wonderful, looking closely, I see that she’s not wearing any makeup. I wonder why she wears makeup if she’s so absolutely stunning without it? It clouds her true beauty.

“What story?” I ask, what story is she talking about? Maybe she’s high.

“The whole, I-love-you-now-I-don’t-shit.” She says, more defiantly than I’ve ever heard her talk, and it’s pretty hot. I think back to last night, and my car ride to the restaurant with my management.

“YOU DID WHAT?” Stuart, my manager, asks me after I told him.

“I told Rachel I love her, and I'm going to make sure she comes back to England with us. I had to watch her leave last year, and I didn’t like that feeling.” I say, choosing not to mention the whole incident with the hookers. He doesn’t need to know...

“Ed, you can’t do this. It would ruin you. Do you realize that your songs make girls feel like you’re their boyfriend? That would be ruined if you got a girlfriend! Plus, when this girl first appeared, the boys had her and her friends audition for Simon, THE Simon, and he didn’t choose her or her friend Jordyn. But Jordyn ended up going on to the stage, and this girl? She went back to America! It’s not ok to be associated with her.” He exclaimed, using hand gestures and everything.

“So, what? Am I never allowed to get a girlfriend?!” I ask, getting agitated.

“That’s not what I'm saying.” Stuart says getting a little defensive. “I'm just saying that you can’t have one when you’ve just reached fame in America, and getting one so soon would wreck everything we’ve done.” He says as the car stops. “Now, you are going to call this girl and tell her you were kidding.” He says.

“I WAS KIDDING?!” I ask, flabbergasted. I already hurt Rachel once in the past week, this might kill her. “No, you’re crazy!” I say, and Stuart gives me a stern look. It’s a look that says, ‘Do it or your career ends here.’ I look down at my phone, and I open up Rachel’s contact.

“You can’t really be serious.” I say, letting a little bit of how badly this is hurting me flow into my voice. Stuart just gives a stern nod, and I quickly think about dating Rachel secretly, but I know she wouldn’t want to do that, she’s too independent for that. She’d feel like I was ashamed to be with her. Reluctantly, I press the call button, silently hoping she doesn’t pick up, but then the line connects.

“Hello?” Rachel says into the phone.

“RACHEL.” I say, a little larger than I expected it to be, I was so hoping that she wouldn’t pick up so I wouldn’t have to do this to her.

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