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Rewind Time

3rd Person

Todoroki was walking when he spots a purple haired kid running past him. The only purple hair kid that is tolerable is Shinsou Hitoshi. And it just so happened that he needed to talk to him. So he follows him.

He sees him run into a drug store, he was shopping for about 10 minutes. Then talked to the clerk for another 10. But Todoroki didn't care about that, he cared for the items being bought.

He could see it was a pregnancy test, but nothing more. He didn't stay either, he ran to a park nearby, calling all the 1-A students he knew.

Chat World

Peppermint: Everyone get to the park by the woods!

Gravity: Why?

Peppermint: I saw Shinsou buy a pregnancy test!

Everyone: Coming/I knew it/Fuck it!


Real World

"So..." Todoroki says, waiting for what is about to come.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Most of the girls scream.

"Are you sure you saw right?" Iida asks.

"Clear as day."

"Is it his though?" Momo asks, catching her breath

"Is she even pregnant though? We don't know the results." Ojiro states

"If she is, do you think it's his?" Uraraka asks.

"Everyone calls her a slut, what do you think?!" Mineta says in a 'duh' tone.

"Did anyone tell Azaiwa?" Denki asks.

"I'll tell him right now!" Iida then gets out his phone.


Shinsou was just getting home, but it felt different walking into his house. Like something was about to happen.

"Hitoshi Yamazawa get in here!" Shinsou here's his mother yell.

He walks cautiously to the living room.

"Yes?" He asks while looking at the other pro heroes/teachers.

"Did you get someone pregnant?" Azaiwa asks, not even looking at his adopted son.

Shinsou freezes, he was not expecting them to find out so soon.

"Mistakes happen?" He says while stepping back.

"Who did you get pregnant?" RG asks.

"Umm... I'm gonna head to bed!" He then tries to run, but gets captured by a white scarf.

"Who?" His father still hasn't looked at him.

"No! Whenever you find something out the whole school knows!" Shinsou yells as he tries to escape.

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