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Slut: Help!!!

Number 1: You've been there less than five minutes, what did you do?

Slut: They are psychopaths!!!

Neigh Bitch: I think you are overreacting

Slut: You don't get it!!! They all hugged!!

Protecc: You hug us all the time!

Slut: Not like that!

Momma: How did they hug?

Slut: They squished their body parts together!!!

Teether: So?

Slut: They grinded on each other!!!

Number 1: We need to get him out!!

Greenie: This is a code Ted!!!

Momma: Don't most people say 'red'?

Neigh Bitch: Not us!!!

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Momma Vlad: He told me that they hug inappropriately.

Coffee Vacuum: I'm going to kill him!

Troll: What do you mean?

Momma Vlad: He said they grinded on each other, not hugged

Coffee Vacuum: So they fell over and the girls all ended up on one of the boys

Bones: How does he even know the word 'grinded'? And your class is too clumsy!

Momma Vlad: I just listen, not ask

Mini A: I think you guys should take him out.

Sleep Master: Why?

Mini A: He said Mineta looked at him

Bones: Everyone looks at each other!

Heals: He is overreacting.

Momma Vlad: You guys do realise he is a pervert!

Troll: He'll be fine! The whole class is there!

Momma Vlad: He better!

Real World

Izu Perspective

Ewww! They're sharing ice cream! This class is disgusting!

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Iida asks.

Damn, I should of let them change my last name!

"Y-Yeah! I'm just gonna go to the k-kitchen!" I then bolt out of the commen room.

What is there here? They probably have basic ingredients, I can work with those!

Nope! They have nothing! How do they survive?!

Chat World

3rd Person

Slut: I'm going to die!!!

Number 1: What now?!

Slut: They have no food!!!

Neigh Bitch: It's a code Shed!!!

Momma: What do your codes even mean?!

Neigh Bitch: Ted= Inappropriateness! Shed= No food!

Protecc: This is basic knowledge!

Greenie: I think we need to make a board in class so he learns it!

Momma: You all need help!

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