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Izuku Perspective

I just want to go to McDonald's with my boyfriend and family, not deal with this bitch. Or have people start to crowd around us, acting like a fight is about to go down.

Possibly, but that is a last minute resort.

"Can we go?" Tosh asks, he was fed up from the start.
(So like Toshi, but without the 'i'. Like for all I know you guys could be pronouncing it wrong, still)

"He needs to go to detention!!" The bitch yells.

"Dude, not in the mood." Like I got places to be!

"You have to go!"

"I think not!"

"Don't make me get other teachers!!"

"Oh my gosh! You're such a fucking pussy! Can't handle one student?! How did you even become a hero?!" Doesn't seem possible!

"I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to stop!!" He says looking down on me.

"Nothing!! I'm just tired of your bullshit!!" I scream at him.

"Okay, everyone back to the dorms." A tired voice says.

"Azaiwa!! Tell him to let us go!!" I yell. He is still blocking us!

"You need to go to detention!!" He then tries to grab me.

"Don't touch him." Tosh says as he jumps back.

"What is happening?!!!" Present Mic yells while getting the crowd to disperse.

"We are trying to leave, All Might won't let us." I say while getting down.

"All Might! Let them go!!" Midnight says as she steps between us.

"He called me vulgar things!! He needs to go to detention!!" He says in defense.

"They were harmless!" Pussy!

"What did you call him?" Azaiwa asks.

"Ummm... A pussy, bitch, I also said he had a small dick!" I problay should of said more things!

"Is this true?!" Hizashi asks, looking at All Might.

"Yes!! That's why I'm trying to put him in detention!!"

"And what did you do to make him say that?!" Nem asks, completely taking my defense!

"Him being dramatic!" This bitch lied through his teeth!

"No!! You said that is why I have no friends in 1-A!!" I scream at him.

Tosh than turns to me and hugs me. I break down crying in his arms.

"Am I really that dramatic?" I cry into his chest.

"No, he was just being a bitch. And that horrid class doesn't deserve you." He says while picking me up.

3rd Person

"You made him cry!!!" Hizashi screams.

"See! He is being dramatic!!" All Might yells while pointing at the crying child.

"Do you not see him crying?! How can you still say that?!" Nem yells at him.

"Shinsou, take him to your dorm." Azaiwa says as the 1-B students show up.

"What did you guys do?!" Vlad King yells as his students run over to comfort the crying teen.

"All Might said that he doesn't have friends because he is overdramatic." Azaiwa states with venom.

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