Olympic Obstacles

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the contestants arrived in the Netherlands. They had to overcome flat tires, spinning blades, and had to go bowling with cheese wheels! It was an interesting day if I do say so myself. The Athletes managed to come in first place (rolls eyes) which I'm sure we were all thrilled about. In the end, the Pichu Twins struggled a bit and their childish antics got the better of them and they arrived in last. We ended up saying goodbye to the cute youngsters, (frowns but then smiles) but hey, now that means we are down to the final five teams! Who will lose it all today? Find out now, on... (heavily smiles and winks at the camera) the Rhydonculous Race

(Theme song: at the chill zone in the Netherlands)

Rhydon: Whelp, you all know the drill! Athletes step on up to get the first tip!

Machoke: Alright let's get this leg going!

Weavile: (grabs a tip and her face lights up) We are going to Greece! Yes!


Rhydon: Greece. While I for one may love their cuisine there are other aspects of it too. Such as the ever so popular and stereotypical Olympic challenges! Which surprise surprise, our competitors will have in store for them today! Plus, we have got even more interesting challenges ahead for today.

(Back at the chill zone)

Weavile: Quickly! To the airport!

(At the airport)

Machoke: (yelling at Quagsire) Give us two tickets on the next flight to Greece! NOW!

Weavile: And tell us, when does the flight take off?

Quagsire: Um, in about ten minutes.

Machoke: Well make it take off once we get on! We are in a race and need to leave these other losers in the dust!

Chikorita: Excuse me?

Weavile: What? How did you guys beat us here?

Chespin: Oh don't worry, it's not just us. (Motions to the other teams behind him)

Wevaile: EVERYONE!? HOW!?

Machoke: Calm down Weavile... just, just get on the plane.

(On the plane)

Vulpix: Well we've got a couple of hours to kill... anything new?

Sandshrew: Um not really... (pauses) So, guess we should expect some athletic challenges today.

Vulpix: (frowns) Yeah. That puts us at a total disadvantage.

Sandshrew: Well honestly, none of our other competitors are really athletes except for Buizel, and well, (laughs) the Athletes of course.

Vulpix: You've got a point.

Sandshrew: But you're kinda athletic, you used to do cheerleading- (Vulpix covers his mouth)

Vulpix: SHUT UP! (Everyone on the plane looks at them) Oops... S-sorry about that.

(In confessional)
Vulpix: Yes I used to be on the cheerleading team but I don't do that anymore! The girls there were not nice to me and then I messed up the routine and... Ah! I don't need to talk about this!

(Elsewhere on the plane)

Shinx: Meowstic will this be anything like the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games kind of challenges?

Mewostic: Shinx how should I know?

Shinx: I dunno...

Mewostic: And even if they were we wouldn't be using a controller. You know, running is much different then mashing the A button or swinging the remote back and forth.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now