Extra Sauce Please

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Rhydon: Last time on a Christmas special of Rhydonculous Race. Everyone was in the Chrismtas spirit, especially Squirtle. Well... almost everyone, except for the Athletes and Fortune Tellers that is. Speaking of which, the Athletes and team Boyfriend and Girlfriend got into a pretty big fight and wasted time during the cookie challenge. Also did the love triangle between Oricorio, Buneary and Buizel, they wasted time too. In the end, Pachirisu and Togedemaru took first, and everyone got to open Christmas presents. However, the Athletes took last and got nothing but coal, as it was a non-elimination round. But today will be different. Someone WILL be going home. Find out who, right now on the.... Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: Let's hop right to it you two. Grab a tip. (Pachirisu takes one)

Togedemaru: Just read it already.

Pachirisu: Ha! Like you'd do it faster! (They both smirk) We're going to Italy! Awesome!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Italy, a place known for its exquisite food, like pasta and pizza. Speaking of which, I still can't believe you can't get pizza at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It's got pizza in the name. So stupid. Anyway, tangent aside, teams will race past the main city, to this forest here, where we've got something really awesome planned.

(Back at the chill zone)

Pachirisu: It also says we should take a snowmobile to the airport! Sweet!

(The screen cuts to the New Friends driving)

Pachirisu: Wooo who! Let's go!

Meowstic: Coming up on your right! (The Gamers pass them)

Togedemaru: What? How'd they pass us?

Shinx: Man, this feels like a real life Mario Kart thing.

Mewostic: Check this out! (Goes off a hill and the snowmobile flips) Woo who!

Pachirisu: Wow. Impressive.

Togedemaru: (mumbling) Pfft. It wasn't that cool looking. (The Lifelong Friends, Pichu Twins and Fashion Designers all come neck a neck to them) What?

Vulpix: Hey. (To Sandshrew) Alright keep it up! You got this!

Sandshrew: Thanks Vulpix!

Squirtle: GUYS LOOK OUT!!! (Everyone turns to see a tree in the path)

Pichuette: AHHH! PICHU TURN!

Pichu: IM ON IT! (Turns) Yes! We did it!

Pachirisu: What!? The Lifelong Friends are pulling ahead? How? I'm not gonna let Squirtle beat me again!

(At the airport, Squirtle and Pachirisu arrive at the front desk)

Squirtle & Pachirisu: Two seats on the next flight to Italy!

Quagsire: Okay. Here you go!

Squirtle: Guess we'll call this a tie.

Pachirisu: Guess we will.

Bulbasaur: Come on. Let's get good seats on the plane. I don't wanna get the pungent seats by the back. (The other first three teams arrive)

Pichu: Good point.

Bulbasaur: GAH! (Jumps) Oof. You startled me.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now