Relationship Troubles

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Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race, we visited the TDP host with the most himself, Raichu! He had the players go through a traditional Total Drama Pokémon styled challenge, with teams and everything! During which, Piplup did all she could to order around Pachirisu, which I guess was fair since their deal from last time. Also, Buizel kissed not one, but TWO girls in one day. Yikes. That could cause some issues. Lastly, a new alliance between the Fashion Designers and team Boyfriend and Girlfriend formed. Anyways, flash forward a bit and the Athletes were ticked off when the Pichu Twins took first and not them! Fortunately for Weavile, she was relieved when her biggest rivals, Delcatty and Surskit, continued to spend the day hating each other and ended up being eliminated. (Pauses) So... back to the human world like usual today guys. You all know what this is. It's... The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: Alright Pichu Twins make it snappy. Koffing is waiting to fly us to our destination.

Pichuette: Okay. (Gets on Pichu's shoulders to hit the Rhydon Box) It says get ready for schnitzel and lederhosen because we're going to Germany!

Pichu: Cool! (Confused) So what is Germany again?

Pichuette: Rhydon.

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Germany. Like the tips says most people know it for the wacky words lederhosen and schnitzel. And also for saying NEIN an unhealthy amount of times. Anyways teams will be headed here (motions to some mountains) to the Alps Mountain Range. Here, they will find their first tip.

(Back at the chill zone)

Pichu: Sweet let's get going sis!

Weavile: I take it everyone is sharing the same plane again? (Rhydon nods) Ugh. Fine.

(On the plane)

Oshawott: Okay Buizel you look nervous. That's my thing. You're the confident one remember?

Buizel: Huh? What? Oh, uh, yeah everything is chill.

Oshawott: Weren't you excited about placing second last time?

Buizel: Definitely! That was awesome! (Gets up) Be right back. Got to go to the bathroom.

(In confessional)
Buizel: Do I tell Oshawott? He is a sincere cousin but he definitely doesn't understand girls. (Face palms) Great. Now I got two problems on my hands.

Squirtle: (sipping on some soda) Ah. Refreshing. You know, Koffings got a whole lot better at flying. (The plane starts rocking back and forth) AH! I TAKE IT BACK!

Koffing: (over the intercom) Y'all might wanna hold on to something heavy.

Squirtle: Uh oh... (the plane turns 90 degrees and everyone is holding onto their chairs)

Totodile: AHHH!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!

Leafeon: TELL ALL MY SIBLINGS I LOVE THEM!!! (The plane straightens out and everyone falls in their seats) Oops. (Embarrassed) Well that was a rush of emotion.

(Team Confessional)
Glaceon: We still haven't beat our stupid older siblings! I tell you Leafeon, we are gonna make it happen today.

Leafeon: Well I am definetly with you Glace. (To the camera) We haven't placed well in a while.

Glaceon: So today we are gonna get back to the top where we belong!

Chikorita: (walks down the aisle) Hey Vulpix, can I talk to you for second?

Vulpix: Sure. (Gets up) Be right back Sandshrew.

Sandshrew: (reading a magazine) Okay!

Chikorita: (sits somewhere else with Vulpix) So, today is actually the one year anniversary  of when Chespin and I started dating!

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now