Semifinal On The Nile

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the final five teams went off to Greece! And to nobody's surprise, the day was full of awesome Olympic themed challenges. The Atheltes felt right at home of course, and cruised through the challenges landing themselves in first place. (Sighs) Yup what surprise. The other teams suffered ups and downs through the challenges but in the end it was team Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Chespin and Chikorita, who came in last and were eliminated. That means we are down to the top four teams! It's time for this semi final leg to commence and find out who makes it to the finale right now... on the Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme Song)

Rhydon: Alright, Rhydon box time! Get to it!

Weavile: (grabs a tip) For the semi final leg you will be headed to Egypt.

Rhydon: (to the camera) Yes Egypt, a desert land located in north east Africa. I don't really need to tell you about it's highlights since I'm sure you know it, but I'll do a little anyways since it's my job. Egypt is most well known for its pyramids and famous pharaohs that ruled back in ancient times. Rumor has it their mummy's are buried in the pyramid with disastrous curses. Egypt is also home to the Nile river, the longest river in the world- (gets a call from producers) Wait what? What do you mean some sources say the Amazon river is longer? Huh... okay... (to the camera) Egypt is also home to the Nile river, the longest or second longest river in the world!

(The four teams all grab their tips and head off to the airport. They arrive and all make it onto a plane)

(On the plane; the Athletes sit up front with all the other teams in the back sitting near each other)

Vulpix: I still can't believe it! Top four guys! We should all seriously be proud!

Meowstic: I know, it's totally epic!

Buizel: Yeah I'm stoked to make it this far. I'm sure everyone at home isn't that shocked though (chuckles)

Oshawott: Buizel...

Sandshrew: You know you two really keep each other in check, which is why you have been such a great team this race!

Oshawott: (laughs) Thanks. Yeah I guess it's good I'm here to keep his cockiness in check and he's here to push me to my limits!

Buizel: Ha! Yeah you know it cous!

Shinx: You know I've been thinking... how awesome would it be if the six of us were in the finals together? That'd be so cool!

Vulpix: Agreed! The Athletes have to go already!

Sandshrew: Are you kidding? Those jerks deserved to go like day two!

Meowstic: (thinks to himself for a moment) You know what... if it's possible, maybe we could all team up this leg. You know, work together to get the Athletes out of here.

Vulpix: (face lights up) Oh I am so in on that!

(Team Confessional)
Sandshrew: So all of us don't like the Athletes that much is clear, but it's a little more personal for us.

Vulpix: That's right! Those two have been at Chikorita and Chespin's throats all season long, and not only are they our friends but they stood up for anyone the Athletes tried to pick on. Just because they were eliminated last leg doesn't mean the Athletes should think they've won the war just yet! You hear me Chikorita? We are going to make sure the Athletes don't come close to that million dollar prize!

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now