Fire Emblem Zeroes

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, Japan is where all the action took place! Architects and gamers alike could gasp in awe watching the challenges that were held. First, teams had to find a tip in an ancient Japanese temple. Then, teams had to scurry over to our buds at Nintendo to hurry and beat a very tough opponent in Smash Bros. The Gamers, Shinx and Meowstic, enjoyed every bit of the leg and arrived at the Chill Zone first and won! (Blows a party blower) Only they could take a challenging race and turn it into a dream. Anywho, other teams struggled. Chespin and Chikorita had a fight, but thankfully were able to patch it up, but maybe only temporarily. The Contest Stars and Eeveelution Twins had a real hard time and it came down to the match of Buneary and Glaceon to decide who stayed. Buneary won the match and sent the Eeveelution Twins packing. Who will follow in their footsteps? Find out today on a super special episode of... The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song; by the chill zone)

Machoke: (angry) Okay that does it! Where is Rhydon?

Flaaffy: I know! We've been waiting here for like a half an hour now! When's this leg gonna start?

Machoke: (whispers to Weavile) You know, maybe we should form an alliance with them. The Contest Stars that is?

Weavile: Hmm, here's an idea! (Smacks Machoke on the head) Everyone is our enemy here got it! ONLY WE WILL WIN!

Machoke: Yeesh. Got it.

Weavile: I get what your thinking but I just don't think it would work well for us.

Pichu: I'm so bored!

Pichuette: Come on. Just sit quiet and be patient is all.

Pichu: YOUR NOT MY MOM! (The Pichu Twins start fighting)

Bulbasaur: Ahh. I sometimes miss being little.

Squirtle: Me too.

Sandshrew: Okay now seriously, WHERE IS RHYDON!?

(Inside Nintendo headquarters)

Rhydon: So are you sure it is safe?

Kadabra: I'm positive.

Rhydon: Well I guess I'll take your word. You are the smartest Pokémon ever according to Raichu.

Kadabra: Yes. Alakazam is everything well over there?

Alakazam: Yes it is all set. The portal will open... now! (Suddenly a portal opens)

Rhydon: Holy cow! That is truly amazing! Hang on and I'm gonna go get the teams.

(Back at the Chill Zone)

Vulpix: (looking at phone) Yay! Jigglypuff is gonna advertise for our fashion site at all her concerts this week! That's so amazing!

Sandshrew: No way! That's amaz- I mean, that's really dumb. I'm a guy and I obviously don't care about fashion. (Vulpix holds back her anger)

Rhydon: Hello everybody!

Machoke: Its about time you showed up!

Togedemaru: Yeah we've been waiting forever.

Rhydon: Calm down everybody, just give me a second. (Empties the tip out of the Rhydon Box and puts new ones in) Now go Gamers. Shinx? Meowstic? I couldn't care less, just one of you grab it.

Shinx: Dibs! (Grabs tip)

Meowstic: Well, what's it say?

Shinx: It says head into a portal to be transported to a far away land... (looks confused) Um, what?

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant