Night Of The Living Dread

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Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race! The teams flew to Paris, France and they were pretty surprised when they saw the dangerous challenges. It started with an odd archery challenge and ended with a deadly minefield one. Highlights include Chespin and Chikorita working together as one of the greatest couples T.V. has seen. But the Athletes weren't too happy when the two grass starters barely beat them to first place. Also, Fashion Designers Sandshrew and Vulpix shopped like there was no tomorrow, but then realized there was one and pushed hard to stay in the race. The Artists got to visit their paradise, the Louvre art museum and the Ice Skaters were triggered at missing the top three again! Time to talk about the two teams that struggled the most. Primeape just couldn't see eye to eye with Tepig, so he threw him around, giving him an unnecessary beating. And Piplup, just couldn't see it in her to trust her partner Turtwig until he surprisingly yelled some sense into her. This patched their relationship and they were thankfully safe and the Acquaintances were eliminated after being hit with a penalty for not following challenge directions. One of which was very VERY angry about losing. Phew. Long recap. But now, it's time for the next leg to commence. And I can feel extra drama coming on today. Don't go anywhere because this is... The Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song; at the Chill Zone in France)

Rhydon: Hello from the Louvre. We're diving head first into today as Chespin and Chikorita are about to start us off by grabbing the first tip.

Chespin: After you Chikorita. I insist.

Chikorita: What a gentleman. Thanks!

Weavile: Better watch your backs today. We're gonna be gunning for you two.

Chikorita: Um... excuse me?

Chespin: Just ignore them. (Chikorita grabs a tip)

Machoke: Quick! They took their tip, now let's get ours.

Surskit: Eesh. Someone's antsy today.

Chikorita: It says head to the airport and book seats on a flight to Bermuda. Hey, isn't that some island or something?

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Bermuda. A tropical island located somewhat near the tip of Florida. Bermuda is more often known for the spooky mysteries regarding the Bermuda Triangle. It started when five planes vanished over this section of ocean. They left without a trace. (Shakes) Getting the chills just thinking about it.

(Back by the carpet after a few more teams get tips)

Pachirisu: Sweet. Got the tip. Now let's hurry!

Togedemaru: What's the rush?

Pachirisu: The rush? The rush is we've come in ninth place twice now. We need to aim for improvement. (Heads off)

Togedemaru: Ahhh. She is so cute when she gets like that. (Shakes head) Um. What!? I didn't say anything.

Meowstic: (gets a tip) Bermuda? Never heard of it.

Shinx: Hopefully it's far away. The longer we get to play our video games, the better!

Meowstic: True that! But let's hurry. We gotta get on the first flight this time!

(At the airport a little bit later)

Meowstic: Are you kidding me? The last team got the last two seats!? That's so unfair!

Shinx: Yeah. (Pauses) Oh well, now we can play video games while we wait. (Meowstic moans)

(In confessuonal)
Meowstic: Okay... I may be a tad worried about Shinx. I love my video games but I also like a million bucks! If we wanna win this race he's gotta be focused. (Sighs) He's a child at heart. That's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. I just gotta find a way to make the race more appealing to him.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang