Taking The Heat

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the teams were faced with their first challenge. It was either extremely long distance running or jumping off a cliff into shark infested water! During the challenge, stronger bonds between teammates were formed, bravery and courage were shown and lastly, a possible rivalry between the Ice Skaters and Athletes quickly formed. The Fortune Tellers took their good old time walking through the challenge since nobody went home but how will they fare today? Yep, the first team will be eliminated today everyone. Now that the show's in full swing, nobody is safe from elimination. See how it all goes down right now on... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme song; in front of an airport)

Rhydon: So, last time it was revealed we would be heading to India today. The teams were put in three flights, all leaving a half hour apart. The teams on flight one have the advantage of arriving first but will that be enough for them? (Pauses) Anyways, flights one and two are airborne but flight three has just started boarding.

(Inside flight three's plane)

Litten: Ugh. More traveling on planes. After Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour I've had enough of this. What about you Smeargle? You hate plane rides? (Smeargle just blinks) Yeah, me too.

(In Confessional)
Litten: Smeargle doesn't talk much but I can sometimes tell what he would be saying by what he does. Like when he blinks that way, I can tell he's thinking yes. (Pauses) Am I making much sense? Great, now I probably look like an idiot. (Moans)

Buizel: (upset) I can't believe we are on the last flight! We are so sucking Oshawott.

Oshawott: I'm sorry Buizel. I'm just holding you back.

Buizel: Okay seriously, you need to stop saying sorry. Got it? (Oshawott nods) So thanks for ruining everything yesterday.

Oshawott: Sorry. (Buizel uses Water Gun on him) GAH! Hey, what was that for?

Buizel: I'm doing that every time you say sorry for the rest of the day.

Froslass: (whispering to Banette) Hmm. Those two are quite the pair. I see a stronger connection between them in their future.

Banette: Interesting. Oh, here come the Gamers. Just watch, watch! (The Gamers walk by to their seats they sit down but Meowstic's chair has a whoopee cushion on it. It makes a loud fart noise) GAH HAHAHAHAH!!!

Meowstic: What the- (picks up the whoopee cushion) Oh real mature.

Shinx: (softly laughing) Sorry buddy but it is still kinda funny!

Meowstic: Whatever. Hey, could you pass me my Switch? (Shinx passes it to him) Thanks. I cannot wait for a wondrous hour of gaming time on this plane ride.

Shinx: I know. So awesome!!

Quagsire: (over intercom) Hello, this is your captain speaking! Just saying buckle up because we are ready for lift off! And once again I'd like to say thank you for choosing Quagsire Airlines, the sponsor of the Rhydonculous Race!

Smoochum: Yay! Here we go!

Rhydon: (to the camera) And as flight three finally gets in the sky, it seems flight one has already landed at India's airport.

(Just outside the India airport; All seven teams on flight one burst trough the door)

Weavile: Outta the way everyone!!!

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