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Rowan Samson has not visited Oak Isle Beach, North Carolina, in years. After her father's job moved them approximately 637.5 miles up north, the visits they paid to her mother's family down south slowly trickled to a stop. It's not as if they don't have good reason; life for the New Jersey Samson's is chaotically busy more often than not.

But after a particularly bad hurricane, Rowan and her mother pack up their things and head back down south to stay with Rowan's grandmother for the summer. Thrown into a life foreign to her own, it is here, on the Isle, where Rowan meets the people who have the power to change the way she sees the world.

    A bubbly cousin with an inability to focus on her future.

    A hardworking boy desperately clinging onto his family's dream of sending him to college.

    A boy whose family is falling apart at the seams, leaving him standing amidst the wreckage all alone.

    A nature lover desperately struggling to find her place in a world that only seems to be growing smaller.

    And a boy who'd rather have everyone see him for what he presents, not for who he truly is as a person.

    It's a summer that will not be forgotten. It's a summer that's been touched by the stars.

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