"Listen I know you are upset but you know this is at least a step closer to them knowing about you and me. That's all I want them to know. Don't you?"

"Of course I do. But I wish you had told me so I would have been more prepared. I also would have preferred to know from you then from the media."

"Awe were you upset."

"Of course I was and I still kind of am."

"I love you."



"Fine! I love you too."

I hung up a little while later and headed back to my room. Heejin was taking out her stuff from her bag and showed them to Bemogyu.


"Beomgyu how are you?"

"Good how is it that you let Heejin buy all that?"

I look over her clothes and her new skates, "She really won't listen to what I say." I facepalm myself and smile.

-Next Day-

In some kitchen at a fancy house.

"What are we doing here?"

Yuju looks over the camera crew who are setting up.

"Okay so listen here we are having a cooking competition. You girls will be separated into teams. Yuju, Y/n, Sunhee, and Heejin, Doyeon. You are given the chance to one phone call your judges will be the camera people and you will be given the dish."

We nod in unison and look for our matching uniform.

"These colors are so cute!" Heejin smiles at her light blue shirt.

"Tell me about it I love these light colors!" Sunhee was posing in her yellow shirt.

"Okay, are we ready for this?" Yuju looked so determined as if she knew she had to win. I wasn't too bad at cooking I always did cook when it was the guys and me.

"Okay, this is what we have to cook." Heejin walks in with an envelope with the food written Stew and Fried Rice.

"Hmm, that doesn't seem to difficult." Yuju smiles already preparing to cook.

"I'll make the stew!" I smile heading over to our side of the kitchen.

I look all over the ingredients and try to remember how to make a stew that Yoongi always loved. He would always order it whenever we go out.

"Manger-nim!" I look for him throughout the camera crew and find him, "Is it only one phone call per team or per person?"

"Per team."

I look over at the girls and try to go and consult with them.

"Can I use our phone call? I promise you we will win if I use this phone call!"

The girls look at each other and smile, "As long as you can make an awesome stew go for it. The fried rice is under control here. We are adding good ingredients."

I smile and hug them before taking out my phone and looking for my contact. The cameras are everywhere and I thought for a moment if I should call him.

Oh well.

I pressed on his name and he answered immediately.



"Y/n what's up?"

"Um...so we are doing a cooking show for our reality show."

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