"mark tuan? isn't he from got7?" i facepalmed.

i heard her giggle. "this isn't a love letter silly but that can stay since you wrote it so prettily"

"w-what? no, we should erase it and what do you mean love letter? i don't like him!"

"really?" she raised an eyebrow. "there's hearts all over his name, that can't mean you like him"

"i don't so lets erase this!"

"aw c'mon you put so much effort into it" suddenly someone put her hands over me and hyeri.

"heya yuna, hyeri, what are you guys doing?" i was surprised to see chaewon.

"chaewon! what are you doing here? i thought you were busy preparing for your booth?"

"yeah we finished quite early so i decided to check up on you, anyway how's it going?"

she looked at our classroom "it's very.. pink and flowery here, really going for the marriage theme huh" hyeri nodded.

"chaewon does yuna like someone?" me and chaewon looked at each other and i looked at hyeri.

"actually she does, why?"

"does that happen to be mark from got7?" my face turned into bright red so i covered my face.

"why? oh my god did you really just-" i saw her look at my writing and laughed.

"oh my god yuna you really fell hard for mark"

"quit teasing!" i continously hit chaewon.

"hey hyeri! is the banner done?" i stopped hitting chaewon when mirae went to us.

"yeah it's done, here" she scanned through it and i felt nervous.

"wait why is there a random mark tuan written there?"

"oh yuna wrote that, she wrote it so prettily i let it stay"

"but it ruined the whole concept! ugh you're no help yuna!" she pointed at me. "hyeri do that again and hurry! we don't have much time left" mirae left and i looked to the ground.

"sorry i ruined your work hyeri"

"nono it's okay! mirae can be really picky when it comes to me doing calligraphy so i tend to redo it multiple times"

"but you put so much effort into them" chaewon said.

"yeah so that's why i often give it to our classmates for free, you can keep this banner if you like yuna!"

"w-what am i gonna do with this?"

"i don't know you can do whatever you want. anyway i need to redo this again you can go on ahead!" she rolled the banner and gave it to me.

"chaewon let's go around the campus" i called chaewon out but she was busy in her phone. "hey chaewon"

"yeah?" she still has her eyes on her phone. i grabbed her phone from her and saw that she took a picture of the banner and sent it to our groupchat.

"YA! SINCE WHEN WERE YOU IN THIS GROUP CHAT?!" chaewon put her hand over my mouth and grabbed her phone back from me.

"i forgot you can be so loud, didn't you see me got added by jinyoung last saturday?" we were walking through the hallways.

"you and jinyoung talk?" i saw her blush a little. "w-well i guess we have small chats, he would just ask how you are and stuff like that"

"w-wait! can you please delete that photo! if mark sees that i'm so ruined!!" i tried to snatch her phone from her.

"you've already kissed him so what's the problem on writing his name on a paper?" my face became red as i hit her.

"c-can you shut up chaewon!"

i tried to snatch her phone again but she didn't let me. "you have your own phone yuna!" i realized that so i grabbed my phone from my pocket.

GOT7 + yuna & chaewon
active now

yuna did this on their section's banner pftttt

cchaeewon_ sent an image
seen by yu_gyeom and 5 others


yuna is whipped for hyung

your handwriting is so pretty @kyyyuna_


stop denying, that's clearly your handwriting

that's cute

we can trust chaewon for teas yuna ain't spilling

why did you add chaewon again jinyoung?

she's your friend right? so it's about right to add her in here

were literally next to each other yuna, stop chatting

i looked at chaewon and hit her. "would you stop hitting me, it hurts you know? are you youngjae or something?" she held her shoulder.

GOT7 + yuna & chaewon
active now

@mark_tuan hyung is such a seener T.T

it feels like @mark_tuan hyung can't function right now

mark.exe has stopped wroking

these mfs keep exposing me | backspace

someone stop me or i'll kill all of them | backspace

it's just his name, don't make it a big deal | sent

fuck | backspace

i didn't mean to send that | backspace

"yuna!" i stopped chatting when i heard someone call my name. i looked up and saw that it was aiden. "oh hey aiden what's up?" i put my phone back on my pocket.

"can we hang out later when booths are open? or are you going with chaewon?" i looked over at chaewon who was busy chatting but looked at us.

"oh nono i'll be in charge in our section so you can go do whatever"

"great! i'll see you later yuna!" i just smiled at aiden as he left.

"attention students please head back to your classrooms, we will be having a short program to celebrate our school's foundation day and to follow will be the opening of the booths" the speaker spoke and it was our principal.

"well i'll see you later yuna, have fun today with aiden. if you guys have time come check out our booth!"

"alright see you chae!" she went back to their classroom and so did i.

special | mark tuan ffWhere stories live. Discover now