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As his professor is there laughing, Gulf doesn't have any intention to look away. Why is he so cute? Why is he making it so hard for Gulf to resist him? His heart has been pumping in his chest the entire time and he doesn't think it can get any worse but it appears, it can.

"I'm not intimidating. I'm just softer than most of my male students and I have a rather deep pitched voice for a man that makes me look intimidating. But thank you for boosting my ego" the blonde is still laughing.

"Your stare!" Gulf gasps. "It's so intense. We all fear it, to be very honest with you. And the way you carry yourself, it's––––"

Sexy. It's so fucking sexy, Gulf sometimes stops in the hallway to watch him walk. However, he can't say that to him. That would make everything complicated.

"It's what?" the professor seems curious, locking eyes with the younger and of course, Gulf blushes.

"You radiate confidence. We all respect you a lot" Gulf saves himself, smiling proudly.

Putting his hand in front of his gorgeous smile, the professor hums at that, thanking him for the compliment. They continue chatting but somehow, Gulf loses himself in the way the elder's lips move.

It's so hypnotizing, he doesn't realize he's losing track of the conversation. All he thinks about is how soft they would feel on his own lips, wonders what they would taste like.

"Gulf" the blonde called him, a lopsided smile pulling up one side of his lips.

"Yes, professor?" he answers, as he jumps a little, having been caught spacing out. "I'm sorry, I swear, you're not boring I just tend to space out quickly."

"That's cute," he grins. "And I think it's appropriate if you call me Phi or Mew outside of the university. It's strange to be called, professor like this."

The heat in Gulf's cheeks burns and he scratches the back of his neck unconsciously, doing that whenever he is nervous. If he thinks about it, it's a little odd to be out and about with his professor but he doesn't mind it one bit.

Half of his year wants to have something with the elder and they would die to have such a casual conversation with him.

"Oh––yeah, sure, okay. Phi" Gulf nods a little awkwardly.

"Our kids really seem to like each other. We should exchange numbers, so that they can play with each other again" Mew proposes, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "And if my friend says he has a spot for Panit, I can contact you faster than via your school email."

Is this really happening? Did his crush really just offer him to exchange numbers? Gulf's sure he's dreaming by now. Never has he thought he'd run into his professor on a playground and that they would end up talking for two hours but here they are, exchanging numbers.

They spend more time in that restaurant than expected and Gulf still has to go grocery shopping, telling the elder that he has to go.

"Thank you for today P' Mew" Gulf dares to look him in the eye but regrets it immediately, as he's not able to hold that intense gaze. "Panit had lots of fun too."

His son is sleeping in his arms, resting his head against Gulf's shoulder. Mew smiles and tells Aura to say goodbye and with the same expression as her dad, she uses perfect speech, as she talks to Gulf.

She really is the spitting image of her father and Gulf ultimately wonders what Mew looked like when he was young.

With a heavy bag of groceries and his son in his arms, Gulf finally gets home.

Hope you liked it.

Luv ya! Stay safe!

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