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Blushing, Althera emerged from the foyer and into the hallway in a gown of sea-green tulle lace and studded gems that looked much like a drizzling snowfall of diamonds

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Blushing, Althera emerged from the foyer and into the hallway in a gown of sea-green tulle lace and studded gems that looked much like a drizzling snowfall of diamonds. The skirts were a detailed cluster of the same turquoise mesh smoothly cut off at different angles. Her shining, chestnut brown hair was swept over her shoulders in elaborate curls, the tips stopping just above her breast, where the neckline of the bodice was. Rhaye was watching her in satisfaction as she closed the door behind her, tilting her head up to look at him with bright eyes and a charming smile.

Though she was told by her maids that she looked beautiful this morning, she couldn't ignore the faint purple lines the color of sore bruises underneath her eyes and the whiteness in her hollowed cheeks. She hadn't been roaming the castle grounds like she usually would be, enjoying the fresh air and glancing at sights of the garden. Not that there were any sights to see there anymore. She hadn't been eating much either, for all her lunch and dinner hours were spent examining those useless books which did more harm than good. And the fact that she'd overheard people talking about a dead general didn't do anything to help her with all the stress she was trying her hardest to cope with.

She studied Rhaye's unfathomable expression drowsily, quite sure that he would be curious about her appearance. She looked like all the energy had been drained from within her. She almost felt bad that he had to see her when she was in such a horrible state. It was a miracle he didn't ask any questions when she stepped out. She wouldn't be able to find the words to explain to him what she was doing.

"Good morning, Rhaye," she greeted as sweetly as she could, curtseying before him with a litheness she didn't realize she actually owned. She was straining beneath that broad smile and those shimmering eyes, trying her best to fight off that madness that was threatening to consume her. She wanted to act normal.

"Good morning to you, too, Lady Althera." Rhaye bent and kissed the back of her hand, which then sent a flurry of redness blooming on her cheeks. Rhaye grinned at her reaction, silently smug. She wanted to swat that smile off of his face. "How are you?"

It was undeniably the most common thing to ask anyone, yet Althera made it seem as if it was a very personal question. She suddenly became very guarded, and for a second - which in that time she could see Rhaye tense - a smudge of distrust she didn't at all want him to notice stared back at him challengingly, daring him to make one wrong move. She didn't want anyone to know what was happening to her. It would only cause an uproar, and they would think she was crazy and send her to the dungeons. She couldn't fully trust Rhaye yet. But then that feeling was gone in a blink of an eye, and the beam on her face was larger than before.

"I'm doing very well, thank you," she lied. If he noticed her hesitation before answering, he didn't show it. With one of the smirks that undoubtedly sent women wek on their knees before him, he took her by the arm and began leading them down the halls which she found far too maze-like and confusing. It was a wonder how anyone managed to make their way around this disastrous mess without getting lost or losing their sense of direction.

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