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Queen Zephyra watched as the Elders emerged one by one into the tent, dressed in the traditional clothes of silky blue and silver - the color of strength and dominance - with their long hair braided back

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Queen Zephyra watched as the Elders emerged one by one into the tent, dressed in the traditional clothes of silky blue and silver - the color of strength and dominance - with their long hair braided back. Each one of them fashioned weapons of bone and steel which were strapped tightly on the leather belts hanging from their waists. They greeted her with cupped hands and low bows, and she nodded her crowned head in return, signaling for them to sit around the circular table which held a wrinkled brown map she'd taken with her on the journey.

They took a seat like she had requested, adjusting the cloths to fold around them as they crossed their legs, tucking their sandaled feet underneath their thighs. It was how people in her tribe all sat, mostly to avoid the skin of their legs touching the ground - the women, especially. But as she was queen, she was given a saffron cushion to sit atop. The higher the rank, the more privileges you received.

As she was about to open her mouth, the tent flap was lifted open once again. Her brother ducked in, dark hair dripping wet from a recent bath and violet eyes scanning the space. They settled on Zephyra, and she sent him a warning glare. He was not to ruin things for her tonight. With a dip of his head, he lowered himself onto the carpet in the corner. Netrima was never too far behind her brother, so she waited patiently for her arrival. Like she'd guessed, a moment later, her sister burst in, daggers and knives knocking against one another as she sank down next to Kannto wordlessly.

The Elders bent their heads in respect for her siblings, and she bit down on her tongue, remaining expressionless and hiding her annoyance. Even if she disliked the terrible idea of having the tribe showing respect to her brother and sister, who certainly didn't deserve the love and admiration from her people, there wasn't anything she could do about it. She didn't make the rules, and she definitely couldn't change them.

With a forced smile, she raised her chin and welcomed everyone present. They all murmured replies in unison, awaiting her next command. She took a deep breath and straightened her back. She needed to seem powerful to her people. They counted on her strength to lead them through the dark times.

"I have called you all here this evening to discuss our plans, and to come forth with strategies and other thoughts and ideas that may aid us." Her voice was clear, and to her relief, steady. The tribal elders exchanged long, silent looks before nodding in agreement. The map on the table rustled as a small breeze seeped through the spaces in the stitches of the tent, stirring the kindling hearth behind Zephyra. "And if you have any opposing thoughts to share about this gathering, please speak up now."

She hoped her brother didn't see the fleeting look she shot his way. Like most of the other tribe members, he was against battles and bloodshed of any kind. He'd always disagree with her when she suggested starting a war with the enemies to the Elders. His emergence in this meeting took her by surprise. Her sister, on the other hand, mostly kept to herself. She would fight, if it was absolutely necessary, and she was good at it. But then she had to ruin all the pride she'd brought to the tribe. She had to go against her Queen.

No one spoke up, however, and she couldn't help the slow grin that eased its way onto her lips. She still had power over her people, and they wouldn't dare defy her. "Daeto, you may begin." The gray-haired man sitting directly to her right dropped his head before turning to look at the map. Thin, twisting lines winded down the page, separating the different lands imprinted on the yellowed page.

"Our entrance should be careful and well laid out. I have heard there are secret tunnels that travel through the building. We can use that to our advantage and strike when they are least expecting it." Daeto was the most trusted and experienced Elder of the tribe - it was no surprise he would know such things. But his plan angered her deeply.

"Would it not be striking when they least expect it if we charge straight in?" She countered, narrowing her eyes as he shrank back slightly at her harsh tone.

"We must wait, Aekka. We must be patient and watchful," he replied to her in a small voice. Zephyra shifted in her seat, her features darkening.

"Were they patient for us when they rounded up our women and children, Daeto? Did they allow us a chance to beg for our lives before being butchered on the spot?" She heard the whispers, but she didn't stop. "Did they rethink their actions before burning the men alive on stakes and drowning families for resisting?" Her voice broke, and she felt moisture brimming over the corners of her eyes.


"Do not, Daeto, think for even one heartbeat that we should be showing mercy," she growled out. Sudden silence fell upon every person in the tent. Zephyra's breath was uneven as she glared challengingly into the eyes of each one of the Elders, reading the pain, the suffering, and the sorrow on each face. They had all gone through the process. They should all know what it was like.

Without a word, each Elder stood from his spot, filing out of the tent, knowing they were no longer welcome in her presence. Daeto trailed after them with a red face, ashamed for what he had done. He should know better than to enrage his Queen.

With a long sigh, Zephyra lifted herself gracefully from her seat, making for the exit with her fur cape dragging along the ground behind her. But before she could reach the tent flap, a thick, tanned arm shot out in front of her. She halted in her steps, the silver bracelets on her wrists jingling as they bumped against each other.

"Zephyra." He didn't bother using her title. "You do not have to do this." She should've known sooner. He'd only decided to show up to discover what her true intentions were. Her brother laid a hand on her shoulder, and she didn't bother to hide a flinch.

"I believe we both know I have to, Kannto." She looked up into his violet eyes, searching for any sign of disloyalty. There was none. Netrima's worried expression snatched her attention. "And do not feel bad for me. I don't want your pity."

"Everyone has a choice, Zephyra. It's about whether you make the right one." Her gentle tone caught her off guard for a moment. She'd never spoken in that way to her before. It was as if she actually cared.

Zephyra blinked before responding firmly, "I know what I am doing." She brushed away Kannto's large hand, and he let it drop limply to his side.

She could feel their stares on her as she pushed out of the tent.

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