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Kartella edged into the room with yet another tray of desserts

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Kartella edged into the room with yet another tray of desserts. Althera was lounging on her bed in her nightgown. She hadn't been too bothered to change for the day. Too much had happened, and she was still shaking, unready to face anyone. The maid sent a worried look her way as she placed the plate down on the bedside table. Althera avoided her eyes. Kartell seemed to understand quite well that she needed space, so without a word, she exited her bedroom, heading back into the foyer.

Althera groaned uncomfortably and twisted to her side, shuffling forward to snuggle deeper into the silk pillows. She'd kept herself hidden in her new room for days now, refusing to see anyone. Not that anyone came to visit her at all. It was just so much easier to shy away from the faces of court. And she certainly wouldn't be able to stand another look at the king. A whisper of a shudder tip-toed down her spine.

Maybe she'd been too quick to judge the king's actions and blame him for what had occurred in that wretched room. What if the man that was killed wasn't as innocent as she thought? She shook her head with a small shiver. No, he was definitely at fault. There was no denying it. She had seen everything with her own two eyes.

Rhaye did come to see her a few times, but she always turned him away, making up terrible excuses such as a bad stomach or constant fatigue that threatened to overthrow her. Kartella never minded delivering her message to him, and she seemed happy enough to leave her to herself just as she did moments ago. Though it was comforting to know that there were people looking out for her, she couldn't bring herself to speak to anyone about anything. It was painful remembering nothing of how she entered the palace, and it was even worse when almost everything around her looked unfamiliar in her eyes.

Something outside Althera's window cawed. It was a miserable cry that was punctuated by the rapid flutter of wings. It sounded unmistakably like a crow. She rose from her bed for the first time in a few dreadful hours, slid on her slippers, and twitched open the curtains with a flick of her wrist. Sunlight flooded her room, and she flinched inwardly, shielding her eyes. They were slow to adjust since she'd locked her depressed self in her rooms for what seemed like eternity.

She did indeed see a bird perched on the branch of the tree opposite her window. But it wasn't a crow. In fact, it wasn't a species bird she knew of. Bright purple and gold plumage streaked its body, a yellow ring of feathers circling its head and exploding attractively from its back. A hooked beak the color of a sunrise snapped at her. The creature pitched its crowned head to the side, analyzing Althera in a way that made her body go rigid. Solemn yet curious eyes scrutinized her through the glass.

Althera didn't know how to react. It was like being sucked into a dream. For a moment it was just her and the bird, staring at one another emotionlessly, neither able to read what the other was thinking. She was snatched out of her daze which lasted no more than a couple of seconds by a cutting knock at her door. She spun on her heel to make her way to the other end of her bedroom to drive away whoever had come to disturb her. But not before sneaking one last look over her shoulder. She almost choked out a breath of disbelief. The bird was gone.

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