Visit Twenty-Two

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Visit Twenty-two:

Reason: Check up, B12 shot

Symptoms: leg fracture, fatigue

Time in: 8:00 am March 14th, 2016

Jisoo chewed on the inside of her cheek, paced around the back room. She had time before seeing Jennie, plenty of time considering Joohyun was administering the shot this time; actually; Joohyun was doing most things. Anything that she could because Jisoo didn't know what to do around Jennie .

She - they'd kissed. You couldn't just take that back, and Jisoo didn't want to but that left a huge problem. Jisoo was her doctor. And Jisoo had no clue what the hell that kiss meant, or if it was a good idea even though it felt good.

Joohyun knocked on the back room, a chart in hand. "Shots administered. Her heart rate seemed normal, blood pressure was kind of low, though." Joohyun frowned a little at that.

"Usually her heart rates on the fast side, I'll double-check."

"Of course. She's waiting for you now."

Jisoo nodded. "Right. Thank you." She took the chart from Joohyun's hands, walked to the office with a certain amount of false confidence that wouldn't make her look absolutely terrified. She shouldn't have kissed Jennie back, but she should have explained why she shouldn't have instead of trapping them in an awkward limbo. Jisoo had no idea where they stood.

Jennie didn't look up when Jisoo opened the door.

"Hi!" Jisoo said, trying to sound enthusiastic despite the lump in her throat.

"Hi." Jennie's eyes had bags under them, even more visible than before.

"Any changes? Your blood work was only a little better."

Jennie shook her head.

"What about your leg?"

Jennie looked down at her leg. "It doesn't hurt as bad."

Jisoo went over to check, though there wasn't much she could do until x-rays the next week at the hospital. She showed no signs of pain, though, which was good.

Jisoo stood, took out her stethoscope and placed the bell over Jennie's heart. She didn't even have to tell Jennie to breath in. Her heart was still fast, and when Jisoo looked up she could see Jennie's face was turning red. Jisoo's was too.

Jisoo knew she should say something, the truth, anything. The silence, for the first time in a long time between them was uncomfortable. She felt like Jennie was giving her the silent treatment, which was - no. She couldn't be. They weren't five. Still, Jennie was colder than usual. No hints of smiling, no brightness in her eyes.

"You're good to go," was all Jisoo said. Idiot.

Jennie nodded, and left. 

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