Visit Nine

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Visit Nine:

Reason: Check up

Symptoms: None

Time in: 10:00 am November 1st, 2014

The CD felt silly in her hands, it looked silly. Childish. Maybe Jennie should have wrapped it, but then it would have come off like a gift. Something she put thought into. What would Jisoo think if she believed Jennie truly cared about her opinion?

On the cover of the CD Jennie had her hands on her hips, a cutesy smile on her face. She looked more like a little kid than a super idol; her hair in high twintails. So in contrast, Jennie wore her hair down to the appointment, not that she cared what Jisoo thought of how she looked.

But, okay, she did kind of care. She wouldn't be such a success if she didn't care about what others thought from time to time. So even though Jisoo was rude and stubborn, it still mattered to Jennie.

She played with her hair while waiting for Jisoo, making sure it wasn't too frizzy or anything. The CD was unwrapped, she had to ask Chaeyoung for it a few weeks ago since she usually only kept one copy of everything for herself. Well, one of each variant (okay, two). Chaeyoung was always sent extra stuff, anyways.

Jennie had only mentioned it was for a new friend, to which Chaeyoung annoyingly prodded her. But Jennie couldn't mention Jisoo, her doctor. That would sound weird, even though it wasn't really weird at all. So, Jennie had to convince Chaeyoung that it was only for a friend. In the end Jennie didn't think Chaeyoung fully bought it, not that there was anything to buy. Jisoo wasn't her friend in the first place.

Jennie stiffened when the door opened, then took in a deep breath and stood. She wasn't going to panic about this because there was nothing to panic about. She walked over to Jisoo, who watched her with widened eyes.

"Here," Jennie said, shoving the CD towards her. "Now you don't have an excuse, you have to listen to my music."

Jisoo looked down at the CD, opened her mouth but only let out a small hum of confusion. "I--uh, thank you," she said, looking back up. Her cheeks looked kind of flushed, but other than that she seemed fine.

"It's no big deal," Jennie said, waving her hand off. "I mean, I have lots of them at home anyways,I just grabbed it on my way out. It's not like I--"

"Thank you, Jennie. Really," Jisoo said again. She smiled, and Jennie stopped breathing for just a moment. It felt like she was hit in the chest or something. She could feel the moisture on her palms.

"Well, it's the greatest hits. I made sure to get it because it has, uh," Jennie couldn't really say best work, but maybe most popular work?

Jisoo smirked, then said, "Your greatest hits."

Jennie rolled her eyes, turning around to sit on the exam table. Smart ass.

"But I guess this means I have to listen to it now," Jisoo sighed.

"Hey! This was a favor! No one can resist the charms of super idol-"

"If you say it I'll throw this away. Or; I'll give it to Joohyun." Jisoo pretended to think about it, or at least, it looked like pretending.

Jennie scowled back. "Nice try, but Joohyun already owns it. I signed it for her last week."

Jisoo held her stethoscope out, placing it on Jennie's chest. "Yeah, yeah, breathe in." Jisoo listened intently, tilted her head to the side. Her hair came to curl around thin cheeks, brushing against her neck. "I really wish we could get this heartbeat thing under control. Your pulse is always fast; by any chance, are you doing any physical activity before these appointments?"

Jennie swallowed in. "Uh--yeah. So much working out. It's hard being me, you know. Always have to keep in shape!" That was a lie. This morning she hadn't done anything physical besides pace her apartment a little bit, and after that she'd eaten three donuts.

Jisoo nodded, then pulled away. "Anything out of the ordinary?"

Jennie shook her head no. Although, she was a little less energetic than normal while on her period. But that was the case for most people, probably.

Jisoo walked towards her with the thermometer, stuck it under Jennie's tongue. "Temperature is okay - but we're going to need to do blood work next visit."

Jennie blanched at the thought. "But why? If everything is okay?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Don't be a baby. And we don't know if everything is okay just because everything seems okay."

"I think you just like hurting me," she said, pouting with her arms folded over. And then, her jaw dropped because instead of answering, Jisoo just winked. Winked. And Jennie was reminded of how annoyingly attractive Jisoo was, and how annoying she was in general, and oh boy. What was Jennie getting herself into? 

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