Visit Three

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Heres another one love topsoo7


Visit Three:

Reason: Check up

Symptoms: Slight Fatigue

Time in: 10:00 am August 3rd, 2014

Okay, so yes, Jennie went back to Dr. Kim.

At first it was because Chaeyoung and Lisa gave her no choice since she was the doctor who did the blood work (Jennie tried to argue that it was technically a nurse, but - of course, she was outnumbered).

So she went to the practice, attempting to act as disinterested as possible. And that's when Dr. Kim got interested. And interesting. So even though Dr. Kim is what others might call (or whisper) a b.i.t.c.h; she's one who totally checked out Jennie. And that was enough for Jennie to come back.

The practice was nice enough. Small, with a few other doctors Jennie had seen the names of on the outside of the building.

Inside everything was very woody, lots of redwoods. The chairs, the tables the ticking clock in the corning of the waiting room. If Jennie breathed in hard enough she could smell lemon polish.

At the front desk, a woman was sitting next to a jar full of lollipops. She had one in her mouth, the white stick peaking out. She took it out, revealing a bright blue tongue. "Jennie Kim," she called out.

Jennie stood up, smiled at the woman. She was there last week too, another person who worked under Dr. Kim and was way nicer. Jennie looked at her nametag. Seulgi.


Seulgi returned her smile, then said, "You can head on back now. Joohyun will take your weight and stuff."

Jennie looked to her side and saw the familiar face waiting for her. She'd figured since Joohyun was there last time, the nurse just worked under Kim. Jennie wondered if they were friends, if Kim talked about her, or complained.

"Hello," Joohyun said, bowing her head a little.

"So do you just work for Doctor Kim?" Jennie asked.

Joohyun guided her to a scale while nodding. "I work at both here and the hospital, like Dr. Kim. The practice and hospital are connected and Jisoo - I mean, Dr. Kim likes to have me around." She chuckled at that, then wrote down Jennie's weight.

They headed into the office, white walls with a few pamphlets on the counter. Jennie sat down on the exam table, the wax paper crinkling below her butt.

Joohyun was mostly quiet as she got out the blood pressure pump and wrapped it around Jennie's arm. "Legs uncrossed," she said.

The cuff on Jennie's arm tightened, and Jennie watched as the velcro seemed to split, making a light scratching sound in the silent room.

"So, how have you been feeling? Any spells?"

Jennie watched the monitor as it beeped. "Uh, tired? I think I've been more tired."

Joohyun sucked in her bottom lip while looking at the readings, all numbers Jennie really didn't get. "Hmm...okay. Dr. Kim will be in with you in a bit."

And as it turned out a bit was more like 30 minutes of waiting. Jennie swore she was doing that on purpose. Her phone battery was already at 50% from the practices shitty reception and her own everlasting boredom. She could only check her twitter timeline so many times. Maybe she should have tweeted something like Kim's practice sucks.

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