Visit Four

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Visit Four:

Reason: Check up

Symptoms: None

Time in: 10:45 am August 17th, 2014

Jisoo walked into the room already preparing for the annoyance that was Jennie Kim. She'd even had an extra shot of espresso today.

She got the chart from Joohyun, seeing no notable difference in weight. Her blood pressure was closer to normal than the last visit, and according to what Joohyun gathered from Jennie, there were no real symptoms. It should have been a quick and easy visit.

But this was Jennie Kim.

Jisoo walked into the office to find Jennie already on the examination table, her ankles crossed and hands behind her. She had on shorts and a blue and pink-striped blouse that cut off just above the navel. After two visits to her office, Jisoo would think that Jennie picked up on the fact that it was almost always freezing. And it wasn't like Jennie couldn't bring a sweater into the office to cover up, Jisoo had patients that went as far as to bring in blankets.

It had to be some attention-seeking thing, and Jisoo wasn't going to play into it. She would not look anywhere but Jennie's eyes.

"Ms. Kim," she greeted.

Jennie glanced at Jisoo and hummed before looking down at her hand. Was she seriously going to do this bored act again. Hadn't this same situation happened the first visit at her practice? Jisoo suppressed her eyeroll.

Whatever, Jennie pretending to be bored was better than Jennie being completely annoying.

"How are you feeling?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie looked up, gave a small smile. "Good, thank you. Those medicines have really worked, I think."

Jisoo paused, her mouth opening as she fished for a reply, but closing when she realized she didn't have one for that. Jennie wasn't supposed to be polite. She was supposed to be irritating, pompous, entitled; literally anything but polite. Jisoo squinted, pressing her tongue against the inside of her cheek.

Jisoo set up her stethoscope, readying the bell over Jennie's heart. "Deep breathes."

Jennie's heart was still faster than it should be, but a few pills can't fix everything. "Have you experienced any dizzy spells? Nausea, fever? Things like that?" She asked, moving the bell over to Jennie's back.

"No. And I haven't been as tired lately either."

"Deep breath," she said, her body craned around Jennie. Jisoo listened to the quickened thump thump thump, breathing in herself as she did so. She could smell something sweet, almost like apples. It was soothing, but then Jisoo realized what she was smelling was Jennie's hair, and opting on holding her breath.

Annoying people didn't get to smell nice, and no matter how Jennie was acting, she still was an annoying person. Completely irritating and Jisoo would still look nowhere but her eyes.

As Jisoo reached back around she fumbled, her hand brushing over the skin of Jennie's mid drift. Very soft skin, but Jennie's skin. Jisoo jumped back, then let out a slow sigh.

When Jisoo looked up at Jennie, there was no real telling expression on her face. And for once Jisoo wished that she would just smirk, or smile or something.

"I, uh--" Jisoo breathed in through her nose. Next time she was tripling that espresso. "Your heart is still going a little fast, so make sure you're taking care of that. But other than that, you're free to go. Though you should be getting another round of blood work done soon."

"Of course, I will do anything the good doctor says."

Jisoo narrowed her eyes, her teeth set in a straight line.

Jennie was at the door by the time Jisoo went through the words 5 times in her head. She pressed her hand against the frame leaning into it. "And by the way, Jisoo," Jisoo's head jolted up at her name coming out of Jennie's mouth "since I'm going to be a regular patient now, please call me Jennie."

With that, she walked away. 

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