Chapter 1 - Party Animals

Start from the beginning

Laura squeezed Taylor's hands which were locked together on the table. "Well, I'm always here whenever you need me, girl. What are friends for, you know."

Taylor then smiled and realized that she actually felt better already. "Thanks, honey."

"Now, what are we waiting for?? Let's go dance!" Laura stood up, still holding Taylor's hand and urged her to stand.

"No, no, no," Taylor laughed as she kept shaking her head. "You go, I'm just gonna stay here. I'm only gonna ruin everyone's mood right there."

"Na-uh. You're not staying. Come on, girl. This may be the last time we'll all be seeing each other in a long time. Let's go party!" Laura put her hands up and swayed her hips a little causing her to laugh at herself. Taylor was laughing, too, and then she suddenly stood up. "That's my girl!"


It wasn't hard for Laura to get Taylor back to her good mood and soon enough both of them were swaying to the music and laughing at each other's silliness. At one point, they even danced to Milkshake and did the choreographed dance they did during an episode of their show. A few hours and drinks later, both were already drunk, especially Taylor.

"Girl, I'm tired," Laura told Taylor. She was laughing so hard at her because she had never seen her this drunk. "Let's go sit for a while, okay?"

"I don't wanna... let's keep dancing!" Taylor said, almost slurring her words. She held on to Laura's arm to keep her from walking away.

"Wow, I thought you were tired?" who fixed Taylor's hair. It was a mess, probably from all the head banging she'd been doing.

"What??" Taylor almost yelled on Laura's ear. "It's too loud in here, I can't hear you."

"I can see that. I'm almost deaf with all those yells you're doing to my ear," Laura shook her head, laughing. Silly Taylor was so fun to watch it was enough entertainment for her for the night. She then decided to stay on the dance floor even though she was feeling a bit worn out from all the dancing. Besides, she was having so much fun with Taylor she didn't want to miss even just a second of it.


A few minutes later, everyone else left at the bar started coming up to them.

"Hey, everyone's here!" Taylor said excitedly. She was squealing like a little child making Laura laugh even more. "Come on guys, let's dance!"

"Yo, Prepon! What'd you do to Chapman, huh?" asked Tasha who was also laughing at Taylor. She loved calling her with her OITNB character's last name because according to her, it had a nice ring to it.

"I did nothing, girl. That's all her." Laura looked back at Taylor who was already dancing with Laverne Cox.

"Wow, some magic you must have there with you. She was in a not-so-good mood a while ago it was scary."

"I don't know," Laura shrugged. "Anyways, are you all leaving?"

"Yep," answered Samira Wiley. "We were gonna invite you both to go home, too, but it seems like you two are still having some fun."

"Yeah, Tay doesn't wanna go yet. I'll just accompany her for a while. Maybe I can convince her to go home after you all leave," Laura laughed.

Everyone then started saying their goodbyes to both Laura and Taylor, to the latter's protests. "You're all leaving? Don't leave me."

"I'm here, Tay. I won't leave you," Laura smiled at her.

"Aww, you're too sweet," then she kissed her on her cheek. "Okay now everyone go! It's too late, you should all go to sleep."


A few minutes after everyone has left, Taylor finally felt exhausted. "I think we should go home, too."

"Haha, you think?" Both started walking towards a table and sat there for a while. They first freshened up which somehow sobered Taylor for a bit. "Okay, you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." The blonde stood up and started walking.

Laura walked behind her while looking for her phone inside her bag. When Taylor suddenly stopped, she walked right behind her and almost smacked her face at the back of her head.

"Damn it, Schilling, you wanna break my face?"

Taylor laughed at her friend's shocked look. "Sorry, are you okay?" She examined Laura's face for a bit, still laughing.

"Oh, so this is amusing you now, huh?" Taylor's laugh was too contagious that Laura couldn't help but laugh, too.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Taylor was trying to stifle her laugh, though unsuccessfully. "Oh, you still look hot. No worries." She then tweaked Laura on the cheek.

"I know, you don't need to tell," Laura grinned. "Anyways, what's wrong?"

"I just realized that I didn't bring my driver with me. How am I supposed to go home?"

"Wow, you did know we were all gonna get drunk tonight, right?"

"I actually thought I wasn't gonna drink at all, biggest mistake of my life."

Laura chuckled. "Oh well, come on then. I'll just bring you home. I'll just tell Jackson to come back here to get your car."

"Are you sure that'll be okay? It's late and--"

"Girl, shut up. It's okay. Let's go." She walked past Taylor and when the blonde didn't start moving, Laura extended her arms towards her. Taylor looked at her friend's hand for a second and even before she could decide against it, she was already walking out the bar's door, hand in hand with Laura.


When they got inside Laura's car, Taylor slumped at the backseat followed by the brunette. "Girl, honestly I have never seen you this drunk. Well, not really drunk 'drunk', I mean you should see yourself in the mirror right now." Laura couldn't hide her amusement at the sight of a drunken Taylor. "Jackson, let's bring Tay at her place first," she told her driver and the car started moving.

"I actually don't need to see myself anymore because I'm feeling it, on every inch of my body." Taylor's exhaustion, drowsiness and all the drinks she's had combined were starting to take their toll on her and she could feel her body giving up and her eyes slowly closing. She looked at Laura who was looking at her very intently with a slight smirk on her lips. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just looking cute is all," the black-haired woman looked out her window. She was surprised how sober she felt because she was pretty sure she drank more than Taylor did. Maybe it was because she felt the need to take care of her co-star right now that she had fought off the urge to give in to her drunkenness.

"Hey, Alex?" Taylor softly whispered as she put her palm over one of Laura's hand.

Laura looked back at her friend, surprised. "Did you just call me Alex? How drunk are you? Really?"

"What? I did wh-? Call you what?" Taylor asked, obviously not thinking straight anymore because she had then closed her eyes as she had finally fallen asleep.

Laura softly laughed as she looked down on Taylor's hand on her. She smiled at this but then suddenly realized something. "Shit."

Jackson heard her and looked at her through the rear view mirror. "Everything fine?"

"I don't think we should bring her home. Let's just bring her to my place."

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