Mr. Wang - "Do you all six think that you know better than the elders? How stupid of you all to handle such a thing alone? What might have happened if any of you got accidentally hurt in this?"

All six youngsters kept quiet and held their head down as if they accept their fault and reflect over their mistake.

After getting ear full of scolding and advises from both the parents, they all finally apologised to them for their actions.

Once everything has been settled, couple along with the quartet moved to Xiao Zhan bed room. As soon as they entered the bed room, everyone started to bombard the couple with multiple questions.

Without having much option, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo started to answer their entire question.

When they came to know the truth that both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo got drugged during their night in Pearl Island and Chen was the one behind it. All four of them was shocked to the core and fell silence for few moments.

As usual Yang without thinking twice questioned the couple, "How come it s possible for you two to not know that you have be drugged or at least doubt that something was wrong?"

Yibo - "What do you mean by that Yang?"

Yang - "How come you both didn't even realize that you both got hard all of a sudden and don't you have any doubt about that?"

On hearing Yang's explanation everyone in the room blushed instantly.

Yibo cleared his throat in ordered to warn Yang to stop asking such a personal questions. But Yang as usual didn't even realize it and waited for their answer.

Lay - "Yang stop it. Is it so important now?"

Yang - "Don't act as if you all don't have the same doubt. I bet you all have the same doubts but trying to act as if you doesn't want to know. Tell me the truth everyone." When Yang finished other three kept quite as if accepting Yang's words.

"See everyone has the same doubt. Now give as answer guys." Yang demanded Yibo and Xiao Zhan.

Yibo - "YANG!"

Xiao Zhan - "Bo di, relax. Let me answer him". He turned towards Yang and said, "If it is new or strange then we may have doubt about those things. But, when it the usual reaction, whenever we both are next to each other. You can't expect us to doubt those actions".

Yang - "Are you telling me that you both get hard whenever you both are next to each other? God! That was so gross."

On seeing Yang first time regretting for asking a question, everyone burst in to laugh.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo personally thanked Mo and Mi for arranging a wonderful trip for them. They also showed the quartet, their trip photos and shared their experience with them.

While the youngsters were busy in discussing and teasing each other about the things happened in the past ten days, they heard the knock on the door. Mo was the one who went and opened the door for Mrs. Xiao who stood outside Xiao Zhan's bed room.

Mrs. Xiao - "Kids come down, it is time for lunch".

Xiao Zhan said it with a pout, "Mother, we are not kids. We are all grown up".

Mrs. Xiao - "A-Zhan, whatever your age is, you all just a kid for us. Now all of you don't make us to wait long. Join us in the dining table immediately."

All six of them unanimously accepted and started followed Mrs. Xiao to the dining table. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were the last ones to leave the room. But when Xiao Zhan was about to step out of the room, Yibo pulled him behind and locked the room.

When others realized that the couple didn't follow them, none of them spoke about that. Instead, they decided to leave the place as soon as possible and wait for them in the dining hall.

Inside the bed room, Xiao Zhan - "Bo di!"

Yibo pressed Xiao Zhan on the wall and spoke in a husky voice, "Is that true?"

Xiao Zhan asked with a false innocence, "Which is true Bo di?"

Yibo's eyes immediately turned into completely dark and lust filled.

On witnessing his husband's sudden shift in to beast mode, Xiao Zhan shivered a bit.

Yibo without out breaking his eye contact with his husband, he spoke, "So you don't know what I am asking right? Fine let me find it on my own". Next moment, Yibo placed his index finger on Xiao Zhan's fore head and started to slowly trace it over his fore head, bridge of his nose, lips, Jaw line and when it comes to his cheek, Yibo used is palm and traced down with to his cheek, neck and as go down below, he made sure it is painfully slow. As a result Xiao Zhan closed his eyes started to pant for his breaths.

Yibo did stop. He continued his tracing further down to Xiao Zhan's chest, abs and when he reached dangerously down towards his husband's pant, he paused his movement.

When Yibo's hand came to an abrupt halt in particular spot Xiao Zhan opened his eyes and looked at his husband, still panting.

Yibo who is still looking at Xiao Zhan with his piercing gaze spoke, "I believe it is true".

Xiao Zhan who's mind is completely a mess right now, spoke while panting, "Hubby....... others will be...... waiting for us".

Next moment, Yibo took his hand from his husband and took a step away from him and said, "You are right Bao bao, our parents will be waiting for us. Let's leave." As he spoke, he moved towards the door as if he is going to leave.

Xiao Zhan, who was yet to recover from the shock, shook his head and rushed and stoped his husband from leaving the room.

Xiao Zhan, "Hubby!"

Now it is time for Yibo to act innocent, "What Bao bao, you only wanted to leave".

Xiao Zhan - "Please hubby".

Yibo - "Please what Bao bao? What do you want to do now? Just tell me. I will do it".

Without answering his husband, Xiao Zhan pulled his husband and started to kiss him hard. Yibo smile while kissing back his husband and directed him towards the bed.

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