Chapter 69

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Yibo was frozen when he realized who his abductors are.

It was Chen and Shawn. Yibo also saw two more men in the room but Yibo had no idea who they were. With their voice, Yibo can identify them as the two persons who got him here in the car.

As they were busy discussing something in the other end of the room, Yibo tried hard to loosen up the rope tied on his wrist. Yibo felt a little lucky because they were not keeping watch on him since they thought that Yibo was still unconscious. Yibo decided to utilize that and release himself from the rope.

Wang Yibo slowly started to work on the rope with his eyes still shut and acted as if he was still unconscious. But he kept his hearing sense sharp to constantly monitor the happenings of his surroundings.

Halfway through the process of releasing the rope from his wrist, Yibo heard footsteps coming towards him. He immediately became still and continued his acting. After a few moments, the footsteps stopped in front of him. There was pin drop silence for the next few seconds. Yibo's heart started to race like a crazy horse. It beat so loud that Yibo doubts that his abductors can actually hear it.

"I thought he would give you guys a tough time but to my surprise you guys brought him here easily" said Shawn.

"I think he is kind of sick. We actually had so many plans to bring him here without any issues but, he himself fainted all of a sudden and made our job much easier" answered the other man.

"Don't underestimate this brat. He is not as weak as you guys think". This time it was Chen and her voice emitted so much anger.

Yibo wondered, how exactly is Chen and Shawn are connected in this issue and what is their exact plan behind this abduction.

Shawn - "How long has he been unconscious?"

Chen - "He has been in this state when he was brought in her".

"Exactly, an hour and half sir" answered the man.

Yibo could feel someone walking much close to him and he tried his level best to be calm and continue his act.

"Don't worry too much. He is still alive" said the voice from a little distance which was Chen.

"I am not worried about him being alive or dead", said the nearest voice which Yibo identified as Shawn.

Chen - "If you are not, then it is well and good. Now come, I need to discuss something with you in person. And you guys stay outside and if he wakes up just let us know".

"Okay Miss" said the men in unanimously.

Then Yibo heard footsteps leaving him. After making sure that no one is around him, he once again opened his eyes slowly and scanned the room to double check that there is no one except him.

Once he confirmed he is alone, he started to work on his hands immediately in a rush to release himself from it. It was really painful and tough but after few minutes of struggle with the ropes, he find the knots were becoming little loose step by step. It actually gave so much encouragement to fight fast with the rope. In next few more minutes Yibo almost completely loosen the rope around his wrists.

On the other side of the city, Xiao Zhan was impatiently travelling in the car. He has made call to the same person every five minutes once to get details and he also registered a complaint to NYPD about missing of his husband. He mentally promised Yibo that, he will not let anything happen to him at any cost and who ever has done this will definitely pay for this.

After a heated conversation, Chen and Shawn alone entered the room in which they tied Yibo on the chair.

As soon as Yibo realized someone is coming, he went back to his acting in no time.

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