Side Story:Visit (2)

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This side story is brought to you by troll author (┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻
Kuroo pulled Tsukishima with his right hand that he placed behind Tsukishima's head. He pulled him for a gentle yet passionate and deep kiss. They did this for a while, and after it they parted both gasping for air.

"You're awfully submissive.." Kuroo remarked.

"Well for someone who looks gentle, you're quite a perverted one." Tsukishima returned with a smug smirk on his face.

"Aren't you a perverted one yourself, Kei?" Kuroo seductively whispered to Tsukishima's sensitive ears making the boy blush as he place his hand on the younger boy's member.

"No, I'm not... This is.. just a natural reaction that's all." Tsukishima denied as he felt his member harden at Kuroo's touch.

"Let's get rid of these clothes shall we?" Kuroo added.

They both removed their tops soon followed by their pants, leaving them half naked still wearing their boxers.

Kuroo went on to place another deep kiss on Tsukishima, and instinctively the younger placed his hands on Kuroo's broad back feeling every spot that he could reach. This made Kuroo slightly hum in pleasure, for now he knows that he's not the only who is feeling it...

Kuroo kissed Tsukishima's ear, jaw, neck, collar bone and made his way to Tsukishima's chest.. latching his mouth onto one of the stiff nipple. Sucking it hard before latching on to the other one.

"Kuroo- san, isn't that enough... It fe- feels strange." Tsukishima slightly pushed the older boy with one hand and slightly covers his mouth with the other.

Kuroo however did not stop... He continued for a while and once he was satisfied, he removed Tsukishima's boxer exposing the erection at bare sight, he smiled at the sight before licking its tip. This earned a few gasps and moans from the younger boy. Encouraging him to only go further and start to suck it and bob his head up and down until Tsukishima climaxed.

Kuroo licked his lips bearing a cat like smile before he removed his self from that position and he used the cum from earlier as a lube to prepare his entry. Using his slender and long fingers he probed inside Tsukishima. At those moments, Tsukishima wasn't able to think clearly, unable to stop his self from moaning and from flinching at the older boy's touch.. head clouded in sex and pleasure he gave the older boy a kiss.

"Kuroo- san, please.. please go inside me." Tsukishima pleaded with eyes filled with lustful desires while being extremely flustered.

Kuroo only nodded and he removed his boxers, and thrusted inside Tsukishima.. he groaned at how tight and warm the boy's insides is.. he almost came but he was able to control his self. Tsukishima on the other hand, arched his back with the great pleasure he felt, the blowjob from earlier couldn't compare to this sensation he is feeling, he feels a bit pain but it was endurable.

"Does it hurt?" Kuroo worriedly asked. Tsukishima shook his head.

"Its fine, really... So, you can move." Tsukishima replied.

Kuroo gave a tender smile before moving with a slow yet strong pace that became faster and faster, for he could no longer control his self... They both gasp and moan, feeling immeasurably pleasure from one another. Continuing with their steady rhythm, space filled with lewd noises.

"Kei, call me by my name." Kuroo was able to formulate and say.

"Te- Tetsuruo." Tsukishima spoke with his mouth that had drool on it.

"Again." Kuroo ordered.

Tsukishima continued to cry the older boy's name fully submitting his self to the pleasure, completely forgetting his problems from the day. After, that they both lay down on the bed, side by side, both tired yet satisfied.

"Tetsuruo, I think... Maybe I am in love with you too." Kei bluntly said while facing the older boy.

"Don't you mean totally in love?" Tetsuruo teased.

"Maybe.. but we still have plenty of time, but we're far from each other though." Kei sulked.

"That doesn't matter to me at all, I'm happy just knowing that I have you." Tetsuruo replied with a comforting smile, that made Kei slightly blush and smile as well, leaving a relieved sigh he soon added.

"I guess... Please take care of me." Kei added with a loving smile that only Tetsuruo will be able to see.

"Please take care of me too." Tetsuruo added before placing a kiss on Kei's forehead.

The two slept, completely covered by each other's warmth, negativity fleeting only happiness is present.

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