It is Love

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Hinata POV
Training camp continued after a week, we all returned to Tokyo well I was training with Coach's grandfather the retired coach and the former coach when the 'Little Giant' became known. It was fun training with them but I missed his tosses.. the toss that I trust completely it was as if I bet my life on those, they were accurate and will always hit my hands even if my eyes were closed. But, as a player and a hitter I knew that it wasn't a formidable weapon, so we had to improve it.. I have to improve myself so that way he will always toss to me so that.. he won't set me aside, so that I won't just be a mere pawn to his games and so that I will be his strongest weapon.. in that way I knew that I will be the closest to him it might only be at court but I want to stay by his side... I am unsure of what these feelings are but I know its true.

Even when the camp continued the two of us didn't practice together. Most of the times, Yachi will stay by his side to aid him... It wasn't like I was bothered or anything.. maybe a little but that was all into it. But its not bad I get to play with Akaashi- san and Bokuto- san he even considers me as his pupil. Kuroo- san too he was a really great middle blocker but I could totally see that he fawning over Saltyshima but they didn't look bad together at all they seem close. Sometimes, Lev would play with us but he always gets dragged out for receives practices by their libero. Its a truly fun trip I know that we have to leave after two days but I also knew that we will meet again not here but on the Nationals.

Well after a bit more spiking drills with Akaashi- san and Bokuto- san, I passed onto the gym where Yachi and Kageyama was together. It seems that they had also just finished practising.. well I never predicted nor thought that the next thing I saw was going to really happen...

Kageyama went over to Yachi's side and he was totally shaking and flustered.

"What's wrong Kageyama- kun?" Yachi worriedly ask.

"I think I like you will you go out with me." Kageyama practically screamed that made Yachi slightly flinch.

Man, Kageyama- kun if you confess like that she won't accept you know~ I teased but I only kept it to myself I didn't want them to know I'm eavsdropping or else I might get killed by Kageyama.

To my suprise, she accepted it..

"Sure..." Yachi replied shyly.

Kageyama then smiled at Yachi, a smile that I've never seen before patting her hair.

So he can smile like that... Maybe I am just dreaming next thing I know maybe it will snow at any moment. I reassured myself and before I knew it my heart hurts so much, a strong pang of pain came to me, it hurts... I wanted to get out of there so I ran while tears were bursting out of my eyes... I didn't care if they noticed me anymore I was in a deep pain that I never experienced, it was at that exact moment that I knew I fell in love, to our setter, to my partner, to my schoolmate and to my rival.. but someone already took my place even before I can be the closest to him.. I was nothing but a teammate in court to him after all.

While I ran I bumped to Yamaguchi who noticed my tears, I saw that he was slightly panicked but he aided me to get up and suggest that we should talk somewhere else.

After a few moments, Yamaguchi broke the silence and the awkwardness between us.

"Falling in love is hard, isn't it?" Yamaguchi sighed.

"What do you mean?..." I asked.

"You liked Kageyama didn't you, but I guess from what your state right now he liked Hitoka- san didn't he?" Yamaguchi added.

"Yah, they are even going out now... What do you mean by that?" I curiously asked.

"Well, you see I think I fell in love to and I just recently realized it, but I think he already likes someone else and that someone also likes him back, that person is also a bit assertive." Yamaguchi said, I knew his words had sorrow in it.

"Is it Tsukishima and the person that likes him is Kuroo- san?" I curiously asked.

"Was it obvious, I guess it is because me and Tsukki are almost always together, in school and in practice.." Yamaguchi replied he truly looked sad.

"What do you plan to do?" I asked him.

"Plan? I don't plan anything, I want Tsukki to be happy and that type of happiness that I would like him to experience he gets it from Kuroo- san." Yamaguchi said I wished he was at least lying so that there is a chance for Tsukishima and him to be together.

But I guess if they like that person already, it won't suddenly just change... Falling in love sure is difficult, maybe its more painful than happy.. my memories with Kageyama that used to be warm feels so bittersweet.

I sighed to the full moon in sight, it was in plain view obvious to anyone just like how it is with my first love, a truly great sight yet it is so far.

Yamaguchi and I relaxed under the full moon, we stayed there silently, no words were needed since we knew we were both feeling gloomy but having each other's side and knowing the same feelings were enough to make us a bit relaxed, soon my tears stopped and I enjoyed that peaceful evening well until the coaches scolded us for being out so late.

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