Friends (Part 2)

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Hinata POV
I want to see him again and set things right, I knew it was a wrong start for the both of us, no need for hiding or confusing things anymore... Its better if we are honest to each other and set things right and maybe if he wants too just maybe we could be.. friends.
So I cycled my way to our meeting place that particular cafe filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

When I looked through the window of the cafe I saw a sight that made me felt stupid. He was with some girls, and they look like they were having fun... Did I really thought that I could be friends with a guy like him? He's cool, strong, smart, kind plus he's very handsome and he's my senpai plus we're enemies... So there's no way for us to be friends. I thought to myself before preparing to go back but as I turn my back agains't the cafe I felt a hand on my back... A warm soothing hand.

Nobody POV

"Hinata you're here, what did you wanted to talk about? I have something to tell you too." Oikawa smiled with such a gentle expression on his face like those of an innocent child.

Don't look at me like that... I'm just a nobody compared to you... I'm-

"Hinata is something wrong, you got this dark expression on your face." Oikawa asked concerned with the younger boy.

"Oh, me?- this is nothing, I'm really okay but aren't you busy... Those girls from before are calling you... I better get going." Hinata said as he coldly removed Oikawa's hand.

Oikawa looked like he had something to say but he decided not to.

I guess this is how things should be... Right? Let's go back to how we were before... Just enemies... Just nothing... My head is still a mess so maybe its because of that, that I-... Kissed you and had sex with you.

Hinata slowly cycled away from the cafe, the chattering of the girls slowly faded to space and his heart filled with an emotion he could not define... His head is still a mess he knew what he wanted and yet he chose to let go.
It was probably better for him not to expect.

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