Pouring Rain

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Hinata POV
Summer camp ended but it wasn't bad at all, I mean we had barbeque how could it be bad. Well except for the fact, that Kageyama and Yachi was a bit lovey dovey, Kageyama helps Yachi with getting comfortable at the situation. But hey! It wasn't bad, I remind myself that this is okay this is how things should be, this is the right thing, that I should be happy about them... I mean, Yamaguchi is totally calm and supportive when Kuroo and Tsukishima exchanged their numbers. So, instead of moping and being unreasonable, I am supposed to support them.

I was totally convincing myself even after training camp. Some people seem to notice that I was a bit off than usual but I promised them I will be fine sooner or later, I am totally okay... I have to move on and accept it. I bet there is someone out there who is actually gentle and kind than dumbass Kageyama whose insults are always boke.

I didn't seem to notice that I was actually standing too long in front of the shelf where I was going to find some knee pads, I had to replace my old ones. I was staring at it, my thoughts wondering off to some unknown space that I didn't even notice that someone was actually by my side that, that someone is the Captain of our rival school.

Oikawa POV
I decided to stop sulking over Iwa- chan life is still long and I am sure that my love life won't just end there... I am totally trying my best to move on, well today is actually the last day for me to slack off the next day, I have to face my fears and his lover and tell them to fuck off, I mean bless them.

So I wiped my left over tears and decided to do some shopping after some jogging. After sweating my sadness off, I decided to check, a sports equipment store to replace my good ol' knee pads. To my surprise, Tobio's pet boy is actually there.. but he seems to be off like he looks miserable, like he's heartbroken but who was I to judge I am not a master in romance, I only had one love and many exes maybe its a punishment that's why Iwa- chan is a love that will never be mine but nevermind that this Chibi- chan piqued my interest I bet I will get some juicy info on him.

So I sarcastically greet him....

"Yoohoo~ looks like you don't have your pet boy Tobio- chan with you." I remarked.


He actually didn't reply that made me slightly annoyed.

So I waved at him but he didn't even react to it.

I tapped his shoulder but he was still too focused at the knee pads he was staring at.

So I pinched his cheeks well that got me a good ol' yelp from him.

"What the- Grand King?!" He yelled.

I covered his mouth and gestured him to lower his voice since that got some unwanted attention.

"That almost got us in trouble... Hey, is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Well, its nothing.. sorry for that mess I was just spacing off plus, nothing is wrong I am totally fine after all." He coldly replied, I noticed that same sadness from his voice he was just like me.

"Is it Tobio?" I curiously asked. He suddenly flinched seems that I was actually right but he refused to answer.

"How about you, Grand King you seem sad yourself..." Chibi- chan noticed my sadness normally, only Iwa- chan can see through me but to him I was actually obvious.

This made me even more interested.

"Who knows? How about this then we'll play a game, its a simple game of rock- paper- scissors.. if you win I will tell you my problem but you don't have to tell me yours... If I won then you tell me your problem then I will tell you mine... Deal?" I suggest at him.

He simply nodded to my conditions luckily, I won the game I thought that he was the type to throw rock first good thing my impression was right..

Well, he told as we were walking after buying what we needed we didn't have any certain location to go to so we simply walked. He told me about his first love that is Tobio and how he got plainly rejected even without confessing well its the same with me. So I told him about what was mine as well.

"That sucks." He told me.

"I guess that's true, but its not bad at least we are their partners." I reassured him like how I was convincing myself.

Well we walked silently together then the weather suddenly changed from being sunny it became rainy, damn the forecast was wrong again this made us run to the nearest shelter we could see, to guard us temporarily from the rain.

Well our clothes got drenched and we simply laughed it off.

This is a mistake, I shouldn't do this... The two thought to themselves as they locked their eyes, reflecting each other's sorrow as they drew closer to one another.

Oikawa leaned down to Hinata, while Hinata walked closer to the older boy before lifting up his head...

They looked at each other's eyes, those brown colored eyes with different hues, both fired up with longing and sadness... Its a mistake or was it really a mistake who knows but they were drawn to each other.

Hinata placed his hands at Oikawa's waist, feeling warmth pass through his shivering hands from the cold strong rain, and he also felt large cold hands cup his warm cheeks.

They no longer need words as their heads became blank and as their lips came in contact it was a kiss laced with regrets, longing and undefined feelings. That kiss that will soon make them confused filled their hearts with comfort at present.

They continued to get closer as much as they can feeling each other cold yet warm bodies get in close contact. Their stomach grew warm and their hearts started to thump as their faces blush. They broke off the kiss only to be followed with a deep one allowing their tongues to clasp roughly and make them breathless.

They continued to kiss and kiss until the pouring finally ended, they soon part awkwardly... All of these events they simply blamed it on the rain.

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